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Dengue fever


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We who live North of 60 endure mosquitos that are known to carry away small animals.(Moose) DEET is the only proven help. Bespite the previous posters comment, the higher the % the better. In Canada and other civilized places, 95% is right. US regulations limit it to 35% on health concerns. BE WARNED this stuff will eat plastic, including your new watch front and prescription glasses. This is a solution for this occurance, but only for the untimid.

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Originally posted by phiketpete:

The Bangkok Post today reports that 3000 cases of Dengue Fever per week are being reported across the country with a small number of deaths.

Worst affected area Chon Buri


1. Can anyone tell me how to pronounce Dengue -- Is it Den-gay Den-Guu or what?

2. A friend of mine had flu like symptoms and was given some meds with instructions to return if no break in temperature in 3 days cuz it might be Dengue Fever. The fever is in Bangkok and apparently the MDs are also concerned about the outbreak.

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I have been following this thread, and I too am very concerend about insect born illness.

I found a great site that has some good info about deet and other repelants. The thing that I found most interesting is that higher concentrations of deet don't increase your protection, and that deet is completley useless on clothing. It must be applyed to the skin to work. Read their info I was very impressed. Here is the url http://www.scs-mall.com/store/ click on the info icons -- Vegas Dave

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Sorry..just got to this thread. Little if any of the information posted here about dengue infection is correct.

There are four strains (seratypes) of dengue virus (Types 1 to 4). Infection with any one strain *will* produce life long immunity..to that strain ONLY. viz, if you get infected with dengue 1..you will never get infected with it again. Infection produces antibodies against that particular strain. Now. here's the catch..it does not protect you against the *other* three strains. In actual fact, what is believed that a second infection, with a *different* strain is made worse by the presence of antibodies to the first strain (antibody mediated enhancement)...note this is *subsequent* not simultaneous infection..

The first infection is *usually* mild (or even asymptomatic)...this is what is known as "Dengue fever". Upto 90% of people in Thailand are believed to have been infected with Dengue...*BUT* the second is the killer..this is the one that leads to the bleeding etc..these are called "Dengue Heamorrhagic Fever" and in the extreme cases "Dengue shock syndrome". Get those, and its not 5% mortality (thats an *overall* figure for dengue), its nearer 50%....and is the leading casue of hospitalizations and death of children in southeast asia...but *adults* die of it as well. There is no treatment (palliative only)..and because of the problems with antibody mediated enhancement (see above) no vaccine. Tetravalent vaccines *are* being developed...but not easy.

Thailand is particularly problematic in that all four seratypes do circulate, although type 2 is the most common by far. The only people who would have to *really* worry would be those who have had dengue fever before, caught elsewhere and by a different strain (that would worry me!!), particulary as it is believed that the "ultimate" worse combination is first infection with 1, 3 or 4 FOLLOWED by 2....


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