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BGs and LDs - Where/when/how much?


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When I met my current GF I think I paid 100-120 for a beer, her beers cost 140-180, something like that.


I prefer to buy "Real" drinks for the gals I like, even if it does cost more. Unsurprisingly I tend to find the Alkies :D


Instead I buy lady drinks for gals I don't know instead of a tip. A more expensive way of doing things, but for me it helps with the self deception that I haven't bought a freind for 5 minutes :(

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When I was in Phuket I was hanging out with two girls who had just quit their jobs at Jagger Bar and one of them was going to start a new job at the bar we were drinking at.


She wasn't going to start working at the bar for another 24hours time but when we got the bill all her drinks were charged as Lady Drinks.


WTF, now this was clearly a lame attempt at getting more money from us and we paid but we weren't particularly happy about it, after all its just BS, disrespectful and blatantly scummy to do this kind of thing,


Some will argue that I am rich compared to these people so I should pay the little bit extra as the money may go to a good cause? like helping the Bar Owner put food in his mouth.


But, it doesn't really sit right with me as we were all having a good time and it put a bit of a downer on the night for a little while. I am more likely to pay more money at a bar and leave a big tip when I don't have to put up with this kind of BS.


I often go to the restaurant on the corner of SOI 5 in BKK and leave a 200 baht tip because all the service staff are lovely and I don't ever have to put up with any BS.


Go Go bars / girls are the same. I think its common for us guys to tip and frequent bars where we can relax without the BS. Our gratitude is reflected in the tips and our continued patronage of those bars.



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There is a very simple answer to this question: because customers pay.

This does not seem fair to me. Why should her drink cost more (to you) if she's off duty and just chilling? Afterall, she is bringing in business anyway (YOU), and you'll probably buy a lot of drinks. So what's up with that?
"Fair" has nothing to do with it; there is no "right" or "wrong" on these sorts of issues. It is simply a question of whether the market supports the practice or the price. What "should" her drink cost? What the bar charges. If the bar is charging prices way out of line with the market, the bar will go out of business, and the "problem" is solved.
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