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Somchart Thai Schoooool Soi 11??

Old Hippie

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paul101 said:

.. so the best trachers tend to leave and go freelance.

And, therefore, problem solved.


Like any employees starting to work in such a business, there's no way the owner can really stop them from building up a list of contacts and, one day, taking advantage of that to uproot and start off on their own. And for such work they don't even need a premise - they can do it anywhere. So what are you complaining about? :dunno:

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I am commenting about being ripped off and about an employer who treats her workers badly. I have never met one teacher from there who had a good word to say about the owner. The fact that they do not have to work there does not alter 'chutima' being a rogue and a bad employer.

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400 baht an hour is quite expensive for individual tuition. My mrs charges about 270, one somchart girl I hear charges less but after work only when shes about falling asleep. Somcharts outcall is 11800 for 30 hours, far too much IMO considering what the teacher receives. Even at the mrs rates you'd be surprised how many falangs think it's too much. Of course they would never dream of working for this little but they think they are being overcharged when it's a thai doing the work. :: Would you say 270 an hour is 'insane' for teaching by a woman with an education degree and 8 years experience?

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Customers being ripped off is relevant information (though it's only you complaining so far).


But any employees who would rather stay and obey for years the rules of an employer they didn't like when they're in such a good position to do any of the following:

  • 1. Supplement their income by offering students private lessons in evenings or weekends (hey, for such a hard witch, it's surprising that she doesn't work them at weekends, isn't it?)
  • 2. Use their contact list built up after a while to freelance and get all the money.
  • 3. Join another school.
  • 4. Get a different job entirely.

... deserve all they get. Why stay and complain for years?


Last time I was there, they weren't chained to the desks. I saw them go home, wait at bus stops, saw them out and about. I heard them laugh, joke and talk about what they did at the weekend. Hey, I even saw them make free choices on what they wanted to have for lunch! For fuck's sake ...


Like 90% of the human race, they have grumbles about their employer and don't think they're paid enough. But Old Hippie didn't ask to be an employee so it's not relevant! Would you go off on a similar good employer/bad employer detour if he asked if a restaurant was any good?

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As usual you are just trying to pick an argument without having any real interest, or much knowledge of the subject. I'ts good though that you dragged yourself away from the bars long enough to get a few lessons. In case you did not get far here are a few words that mght come in handy in the future: mau, mee khan, farang loytoy :D

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I do have knowledge of the subject. I went to Somchart School for a number of months and, like all the other posters apart from you, I found it to be fine. I had unusual requirements (I could read Thai and knew quite a bit already but wanted help with pronunciation and vocabulary) and yet they were still helpful enought to accomodate me. I was there over 9/11 and the next day the "bitch" you speak of even produced a little Thai exercise for me to read on the subject.


Maybe you should ask yourself why you should find so many problems with people - at Somchart, Eden and with forum bannings?


I posted simply to help to rectify the misleading balance that your obsessive hounding of "witches" and "bitches" might produce in the mind of a guy asking a simple question about a school. Posting under another name contributes to the impression that there was more trouble than just you (again).


If you'd posted under your old name you'd have saved me the trouble because Old Hippie would have known enough to ignore it.

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