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Stag Party in Bangkok - ideas wanted


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Thanks folks for the best wishes etc.


I was hoping I would get some interest in Friday 13th (the date has a certain ring to it!).


So, Friday 13th January 2006 it is then.


The other stuff.


Golf - although I can play (sort of!) I am not a golfer - although I can see how this would "break the day up" nicely - but I prefer the idea of an MP or Eden to do the same thing :: ::


Agree with the sentiment about offering free beer.......and they will come......For some reason I can't quite work out, I am quite comfortable with the concept of buying drinks for people I do not know....... who then pretend to be my freinds :D :D :D


Just as an initial thought......


I propose kicking off around about lunchtime (1-2pm?), maybe in the Pool Bars in Soi 7/1 (I like a game of pool ::) and the bar I am thinking off (whose name I forget :() serves Guinness and (for me) edible Farang Food, as well as having Thai Food - and also around and about. It also has aircon :: To enciurage folk out I could maybe "sponsor" a pool competition - first prize a B/fine and lady of your choice. (I could probably fix the "price" up before hand for a lady of your choice at DC10, Nana). Maybe also a few other prizes?? (ideas??) It might rope in a few other guys already in the bar for the nights travels. Also has the advantage that I am quite happy drinking their alone and just doing the Bangkok Post crossword :o :o :o


It also has Eden and a few MP's within a 100 metres for those who want a bit of R & R mid afternoon ::


I dunno if that would take us down to the weekly board meeting at 6:30 pm at Gullivers Sukhumvit soi 5 - or whether their should be a drinking stop between? (I am always ok with an extra drinking stop!)


Maybe a couple of hours at Gullivers to also eat again / pick up any later starters (including the poor buggers who have to work?!)


8 / 8.30 round to Nana...........Now this is where things start to get a bit vague at the moment.


As I said before I would like to hit DC10, and if the same crew are still around am sure I could fix something up - but not sure what - in practice I think it will be a case of having a chat to DC10 when I arrive in BKK during the week before - although I would not really want to do anything which meant I HAD to stay in one place all night.........so it might just be the case of handing out free barfines to those still around (if any?) and ringing the bell like a c#nt / buckets of booze for the gals and then playing it by ear (by then my limited powers of organisation will hopefully be gone anyway :D).


I would envisage that certain places would have set times (with me posting my mobile phone number) and folk could just drop in and drop out as they wished (or have one look at the sad bastard sitting alone doing his Bangkok Post crossword puzzle at 11.30pm.......and then f#ck off without saying hello :( :( :()


Could be 1 person could be 20 I suppose - the less folk the more "free" beer :: :: ::


Of course if any Bar owners want to suggest anything at their Bars, please PM me!

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Sounds great to me especially considering you put much more emphasis on the the stag do than the wedding


Well, I could start discussing flower arrangements and hymns etc, but I figure folk on NP.com would perhaps be more interested in the "traditional" whoring and drinking part :: :: ::


And anyway she WANTS a quiet wedding :: :: ::


I don't really think there'll be much chance of you finishing that crossword thingy 13th jan
- I hope not, but I will be prepared, just in case :D :D (it's the only crossword I can do, mainly cos they keep repeating the clues :o)


I know it's early days yet, but all expressions of interest are welcome so I can decide where and how I can aim some money.


For any Lurkers / Newbies to this board or even Newbies to Thailand - I will just mention that I have NEVER met any of these other f#ckers on NP.com in real life either (despite having been to Thailand "Once or twice" before :o) and I can never remember anyones handle on this board and who said what before :o :o.........so I am not going to know anyone either.............so please DO NOT be shy about inviting yourselves along (or dropping me a PM)............... To be honest my plan B is that if I don't like any of the f#ckers who turn up from here, I will be buggering off somewhere else myself. :: ::


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I remember a venerable boardmember who organised a Dance Contest for his stag party a few years back (was this at Pink Panter Pat Pong?)


Body Guard condom man distributed free condoms that night, a very sensible guesture...


That was one of the best times I ever had in Bangers.


P.S. I might well make the trip from sleeping Chumpon to wish you all the best on whatever day in januari :yay:

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How about starting off with filling pie tins with whip cream and have a cherry hidden at the bottom of each one. The girls have to root around for the cherry using only their face..no hands...no feet. First girl who gets the cherry wins. The pie tins can be resting in the laps of the guys there for the stag. Entertaining for the guys I imagine.

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A few years ago one of the boys got marrried and he rented a room above a bar on SC-for a party .I forget which bar.SD would have an idea me thinks but I believe it was Midnight?? It was a lot of fun.Just an idea. I must say you certainly are in the proper location for a bachelor/stag party :) ::

I dont really drink but a pint of beer but I will wish you well

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P.S. I might well make the trip from sleeping Chumpon to wish you all the best on whatever day in januari


Please do - the more the merrier!


Regarding the suggestions from other folk for a Private Room, the "problem" I will have is that I will not know whether I am preparing for 5 folk or 500.............


I honestly don't mind if no one turns up............BUT I don't want to have spent money on anything or hire a room / venue that would be a complete waste of time and money without other folk being around. However something like 500 crates of beer would not be a complete waste of money, cos I would drink it all myself anyway........even if I had to stay out late to do so ::


Having said all that, the games idea with the gals is a good idea and is also something I had thought about - ANYTHING different seems to liven up the average night in a gogo bar - but it would have to be something in a regular bar / gogo - so even if it did cost me money (for cream pies and free booze) I could at least pretend I was not alone and that the other customers were my freinds :( :( :( :: Then it just comes down to exactly what and how much I am going to put my hand in my pocket for.


I had PM from Soi Cowboy to organise something in his bar and when I land in Thailand in Jan I will also be able to have a chat to DC10 to see what they can suggest / offer as well as having a chat to Soi Cowboy...........so some sort of "fun and games" with the gals in a bar / gogo seems like it will also be on the Agenda. Whilst I have no great objections to the "shows" (apart from I find them as boring as sh#t) or any games that involves a BG seeing how many cucumbers she can stuff up her arse - I tend to like stuff which is more "fun", including for the gals, even if also "rude" - as I find it makes the atmosphere more fun.


I think I will start a seperate "Games Ideas Wanted" thread!

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So the 13th it is. I don?t get into town until late in the afternoon so let me know once you set the itinerary. I'll meet up with you guys after I check in and take a quick shower.


Actually if you were going to Gulliver's I could probably just meet up with you there as I?ve never been to a meeting.


I never made it to the old dance contests either. This may just be the next best thing.


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