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Rice production per acre in Thailand ?


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Having been involved with my wife's family farm in Buriram. We usually get around 400kgs. per Rai. About 1 metric ton per acre. Remeber this is unmilled rice. This is for a good year with not too much or too little rainfall. We also use fertilizer. Also the type of rice will depend on the price. The farm price for jasmine rice this year is around 7 baht/kg.


Hope this helps,



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A lot of Aussie rice grown on the Liverpool plains, back of Tamworth area,


I used to harvest and dry wheet in that area, once we got 2 1/2 ton/acre, which was about the maxium wheat we could pull, usually a lot less than that.


Cook and Bank varities of wheat where the ones we grew.


Much prefer Thai Jasmine to Aussie rice.



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You're right. I had a brain fart, that was 16,000 baht total from a 5 rai family plot, not one rai, so around 3,000 baht a rai. So yeah, 3,000 baht a rai or less? How is that any way to make money after all the work involved? Good for a Thai rice farming family maybe that already owns their land outright.


Here in Isaan around Surin they only do one crop a year. I hear in the south they can do two crops a year, but I do remember last year the government asking the southern Thais not to do so as the water crisis was too great at the time.


So even with a 10 rai plot a family would/could make maybe 30,000 baht a year after expenses on farming a 10 rai plot. Not much really.


I saw in a recent article in the Bangkok Post (Tuesday edition, page 3-section 1) that ladies working bar in Phuket area claim they made about, on average, 5,000 baht a week before the Tsunami. It would only take them 6 weeks (more time--less their living expenses) to earn 30,000 baht to send home to Mama and Papa. So even sending home just 2,000 baht a week they could in 15 weeks make the same, and send it home, as a rice farm family would make off of ten rai in the one growing season a year in Isaan. It's no wonder so many end up working in the bars.


Effectively, in this scenario using these numbers, they could send home 90,000 to 104,000 baht a year, the same one would earn working a 30 rai rice plot! And that's just by sending less than half of what they earn.



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"So yeah, 3,000 baht a rai or less?"


I think it can be much less. I think my wife got only about 10K profit on her 21 rai plot, which works out to less than 500 Baht per rai. This is of course hiring people to do all the work, which cuts into the profit quite a bit.


It does look like this year was crap though, as her brother-in-law made about 30K profit of it last year (if memory serves correctly).



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