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Tips on f**king


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Chi Dave,

I find myself following your post and agreeing with you again (we need to stop meeting like this). I only wish I still had this problem, or could remember when I did have it. I find myself trying to think (just remembering)of anything possible to make the blessed event happen. Maybe we need a thread for the reversal of this problem. CD we are in the same age group, and I would appricate any ideas to increase my success average. Just like in baseball you get your turn at bat, but don't always get a hit or even get on base with a walk. Thank goodness for LT, it gives you the opportunity to get up to bat again. Too many times at bat without a hit and you can get traded, or sent back to the minors. Dave, my problem here is watching the highlights of your "Cubs beating my "Astros" 2 out of 3 games and us falling back to 2nd place. frown.gif" border="0


PS been there lived there (Chicago)

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LeoTex -

Fear not; the Cubs will choke. They are more reliable than the sunrise.

As to your interest in getting up to bat more often; I would recommend a dietary supplement of American Ginseng (its been proven more effective than Korean or other kinds) together with vitamins. I shop at GNC for their Ultra Mega Green that is a full on vitamin supplement. Anything with strong vitamin E will also help. But, there is only one way to feel like you're 18 again (sorry). Try Viagra. You may or may not need it, but you'll be amazed at the result. One big advantage is that it will get you up to bat more quickly after the first time, including having the "kickstand" effect in the morning when you wake up. It will make you bigger AND harder than you've probably been in years. It did for me.

You may want to discuss it with your doctor first, and be careful to start with 25mg. The combination of all the things I just mentioned works best when your mind is also kicking in, so rest up first and make sure your partner is into the fun of it as well, because Viagra doesn't do ANYTHING for you unless you have proper stimulation - from your mind or from your partner. Where it works best for me in BKK is when I'm entertaining two ladies at once. The girls' interaction with me and each other and the resulting stimulation is more than sufficient to have the hoped-for effect.

Best idea I can come up with.

Surf's up! Chicago Dave

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Chicago Dave,

Thanks for all the good advice. IMHO you should start a new thread on this subject. A few observations on your reply. Do you mean "kickstart" and not "kickstand"? not a flame. I think the vitamin will kickstart the kickstand. I have not given the "V" a try as yet, but will be me in the LOS.

And I thought the only way to feel 18 again was to start over and wait 18 years. After work today I'm off to the GNC store in the mall. I thank you for the info. I will get my head straight and get all the rest before my trip. That will take care of the first day, but what about the remainder of the trip? I read the only sleep is maybe from 5:00 to 9:00 AM, if you are lucky or is it unlucky?

On a personal note, are your posts helping the "Bangkok Blues"? Also don't worry about the Cubs, you forget Houston is also choke city. One last question is surf up on the lake? crazy.gif" border="0



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Hey Leo -

First, I have no interest in doing another thread on "Vitamin V." Been there. Done that.

Re: kickstand - think of a parked bicycle or motorcyle. The kickstand is what keeps it from falling over. Now imagine yourself laying in bed on your side with an erection. Kickstand!

Re: sleep. You'll have to manage your own sleep schedule and it depends on your sanuk schedule. You can get what you need as long as your hotel is fairly quiet and your girl likes to sleep in as well! I hate it when my BKK girlfriends get into a fight the first thing in the morning! Wakes me up and ticks me off. Also, with the current crack downs it looks like most of the bars are closing early, including the Thermae, which is the late night punters' choice. You should be able to sleep. I bring a sleep aid for the first night or two to help me overcome the jet lag.

Re: BKK Blues. I don't have them but the phenomenon interests me. Guys get them for many reasons and they can be damned destructive. The thread on the subject kind of ran out of steam, which was disappointing considering the number of guys who suffer from them. No big deal.

Lastly - "surf's up" does not refer to Lake Michigan but what goes on in your slacks with Viagra. Cheers. Chicago Dave

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Originally posted by chicago dave:

What's WRONG with you guys??? Long Gun, Soongmak, you others...this started out as a thread about better boom boom techniques and how to keep from coming too soon and it turned into a thread about genital warts and getting the clap through oral sex! I'm starting to get sick in my pants!!!

Cheers Chicago Dave

And please, no more genital warts things, OK? I'm eating here!

Well Dve, that's what happened with me too. I got sick in my pants! I just wish it never happens to you. But boom boom will never be the same for me again. But I'll shut up about it, because it is "Mai Sanuk".



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Soongmak - Mai sanuk indeed! I'm lighting candles in the window that the government comes to their senses...or maybe they have for the first time. Hhhmmm.

I hope you're doing ok. Perhaps we'll have to find venues in Cambodia and Nam to party in down the road. I'll keep my ear to the ground and my fingers crossed. Take care.


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