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Google vs Bush


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The worry comes from a very basic concept protected in the constitution, it is called 4th amendments, an unreasonable search and seizure of your personnel property...then the 5th, self incrimination...1st, freedom of speech, expression...all basic life pursuits...it is what our country was founded on.


Possible scenario, they note you have traveled to Thailand, a "target country" for illicit porn and drugs...they do a check, find out you log in here regularly, they start checking everyone, or anyone associated with this sight, not it is a "SEX sight" and you get labled...so they have evidence against you, even if not crime was ever committed, you/I/we all look guilty of something...now something happens at your job, a sexual harrassment issue, or a "morality" issue of some sort, and the information "Proving" you are a "Sex addict/pervert" is brought out...far fetched? once it starts, no end to it...


Frankly, as one who lost his pension in a corporate corruption racket the government created, and will not correct, I am appalled this is the best thing they can coime up with to fight about...still no National health care, no pension protections etc, but we are somehow better with this shit...

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