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Antibiotics...What to take?


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I can buy any drug from my friendly neighbor pharmacy. Over the last two years on occasion I have come down with what I call "The Bangkok Flu". The symptoms are headache, cough, chest congestion, body aches, dizziness, and generally tired. The guy at the pharmacy gives me an assortment of pills, four in all. The antibiotic he gives me is "Sefasin 500". Sometimes these symptoms last for an entire month.


Anybody have suggestions for something that can wipe out the whole mess over a shorter period of time. Mind you I do no over medicate, and only take these drug cocktails as a last resort.


Thanking you in advance.



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Antibiotics can't help with viral infections.


Get some good multivitamins that have the A, B range and E, and minerals. Then get some B5 (panthothenic acid - it's very seldom found in the multivits) .

Use lots of vitamin C - 3,000 mg a day should help.


Slow down on the beers, exercise a bit more and you should be okay.


Do note that a pharmacist is not a doctor, and so will not be liable if you have an allergic reaction to anything you buy from him. They tend to prescribe (with abandon) the strongest medication they have, assuming that if it gets rid of the problem they have a repeat customer. The danger in this is, if you develop a tolerance to this, there is nothing stronger to help you when you really need it.

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Don't drink, smoke a bit...not cigarettes. Have a shit load of vitamins that I brought from the states including a B-200 multi-complex that has pantothenate (is that the same as panthothenic acid?). Was not aware

antibiotics can't help with viral infections? Looked up what I take on the Internet and it said in part "Respiratory tract infections caused by S. pneumoniae and S. pyogenes (Penicillin is the usual drug of choice in the treatment and prevention of streptococcal infections." I really don't know the difference between a viral infection and streptococcal infection? Are they the same?


Anyway truth be told I have been lazy about taking my vitamins, and you have made me get back into taking them.


Any recommendations where I can buy maxium strength vitamins in Bangkok. I have seen some sold at Boots, and a couple of other places but in very small doses.



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Simply put, viruses cause viral infections, and bacteria cause bacterial infections. But they're also different in other ways.


Viruses are capsules of genetic material (DNA or RNA). They're much smaller than bacteria. Unlike bacteria, viruses are not "living" organisms. So they require living hosts ? such as people, plants or animals ? to multiply. When a virus enters your body, it invades some of your cells and takes over the cell machinery, redirecting host cells from their normal function to produce the virus. Viruses may eventually kill their host cells or become part of these cells' genetic material. Some viruses are spread directly from person to person (contagious), such as influenza and the common cold. Other viruses, such as West Nile virus and yellow fever, are not.


Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that reproduce by dividing. Most bacteria can grow on nonliving surfaces. Not all bacteria are harmful, and some are even beneficial. But when infectious bacteria enter your body, they can make you sick. Bacteria make toxins that can damage specific cells they've invaded. Some bacterial infections are contagious, such as strep throat and tuberculosis. Others ? such as bacterial infection of the heart valves (endocarditis) or bone (osteomyelitis) ? are not.


The distinction between viruses and bacteria is important. This is because drugs that are effective against one type of infection won't work against the other type.


Bacterial infections are treated with antibacterial antibiotics. Taking these antibiotics when you have a viral ? and not a bacterial ? infection won't treat the viral infection and may even be harmful. In addition, antibacterial antibiotics may have serious side effects. Antiviral antibiotics are available for some types of viral infections, such as influenza and herpes. You really need to consult a doctor for advice on a specific condition or you may harm yourself by taking inappropriate medication.


Watch the vitamin intake, more is not always better, infact you can poison yourself by taking an excessive quantity of many vitamins, just as easily as you can damage your liver with excessive alchol intake. If you are eating a decent balanced diet your body should be able to extract all the nourishment it needs, a bit of a helping hand won't hurt though, just don't overdo it.

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For peace of mind Went to the doctor at Samitivej Hospital today. Had exam, then left with different but in the same category medications that my local pharmacy gave me. The only difference was the 2800 baht more I paid to the hospital. My pharmacy owner is an older Chinese Thai, been in business 18 years. I believe he knows what to perscribe. Of course any sign of a serious aliment, then off to the hospital.

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VK and pe7e thanks for the advice. I do appreciate the time you've given me, and in particular pe7e's explanation between bacterial and viral infections. It must be catching, apologizing that is. pe7e I apologize because after further investigation prompted by your excellent post I found out that I was taking a bacterial antibiotic NOT a viral antibiotic like I needed.


Go's to show that an old fuck like can learn something new, and important.


Thanks. -OT

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