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Today's Weather


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When it rains there it really does fucking rain.

I remember one trip in 2004 after the friday night Gullivers eyeball.

I'd arranged to meet a mate in the Bamboo on soi 3 and virtually had to swim there.OK thats a slight exagaration but the water was certainly up to my knees.Good job my knob needed a wash!

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Guest lazyphil

got a bit chilly friday night when i was out zander fishing, between 3 and 5am got to the point i had to run to the car to get my fleece, then it rained on and off for 2 hours ( Ineed a bivvy!).....broke in my new buzzers when a zander did a runner with a small roach, hauled it in but didn't see my cuppa which i booted over :(

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don't go outside on July 5th Phil.............i can guarantee terrible weather.

i've booked my Mum a balloon flight for her Birthday and they need no rain and very ;ight winds.

after our lovely weather here the last 3 Weeks or so i know it will piss down and the winds will be gale force.......... :banghead:

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Some weather forecasting from Good Morning Vietnam:


Hey, uh, hi. Can you help me? What's your name?


"My name's Roosevelt E. Roosevelt."


Roosevelt, what town are you stationed in?.


"I'm stationed in Poontang."


Well, thank you, Roosevelt. What's the weather like out there?


"It's hot. Damn hot! Real hot! Hottest things is my shorts. I could cook things in it. A little crotch pot cooking."


Well, can you tell me what it feels like.


"Fool, it's hot! I told you again! Were you born on the sun? It's damn hot! It's so damn hot, I saw little guys, their orange robes burst into flames. It's that hot! Do you know what I'm talking about."


What do you think it's going to be like tonight?


"It's gonna be hot and wet! That's nice if you're with a lady, but it ain't no good if you're in the jungle."


Thank you, Roosevelt.




Now here's the weather. We're gonna go right to Roosevelt E. Roosevelt.


Roosevelt, how's it going?


"Adrian, I'm with somebody. Don't even come here and bother me right now."


Well, thanks, Roosevelt. Can't you give us a little weather?


"Not now, man. I'm on the balcony, I'm trying to score. Back off."


Well, what's the weather like?


"You got a window? Open it."


Thank you, Roosevelt. We'll have to go to someone else for the weather.


I guess we'll have to go all the way to Washington Weather Central, to Walter Cronkite. Walter, what's the weather like?


"I just want to begin by saying to Roosevelt E. Roosevelt .... 'What it is, what it shall be, what it was.' Weather out there today is hot and shitty... with continued hot and shitty in the afternoon. Tomorrow a chance of continued crappy with a pissy weather front coming down from the north. Basically, it's hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon round-up."

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