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CS The LOS Gatekeeper


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The only ones I give advice to is the married guys I work with in the Sandbox. They say I just want go drink a few beers and get some clothes made not do anything wrong. I tell them honestly if you love your wife and want to stay faithful donâ??t go; too much temptation.

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I sometimes play the role of an excuse to come here. An email copied to some guy's boss saying something along the lines of "I think we should have a face-to-face meeting to discuss, what do you think?" is usually a pretty good sign.


Having a friend in Bangkok seems to work as a great cover to visit here: "No, I go to Thailand every [every year, twice a year, every other month, etc.] to visit my old friend Gadfly." On a two week trip, I will probably see them on a couple of Friday and Saturday nights and perhaps, if I can make the time, a long weekend in Phuket or Pattaya. I seriously try to avoid going out on weeknights because of the strange time warp that exists in the bar zones (8 pm seems to turn into 1 am in about 30 minutes, which is one reason I think the early closing times suck). Because I don't allow visitors to bring back other visitors, most friends spend most of their time elsewhere but use my place to park any large luggage (golf clubs seems to be a favorite) they don't want to lug around.


I warn friends about the obvious dangers, such as do look back for motorcycles when exiting a taxi even if it is only six inches from the curb, don't take motorcycle taxis unless you have a death wish, yes she will see other guys the moment you leave and no I am not going to check on her when you go home. I am fairly confident that most friends ignore most of my advice most of the time. But that's OK.


There is one thing that really annoys me however. The "hunt" for that special BG a friend saw on his last trip six months, one year, two years or whatover ago. It's become pretty obvious when this is going on and it is rather annoying. He asks other BGs about his favorite BG, you spend too much time in otherwise lame bar, and you go back to the same bar over and over again. (Hint: if any of you have friends in Bangkok or you're traveling with friends in Thailand, don't inflict this on them.) When this happens, I quickly make up an excuse to escape and try to use that excuse to help any fellow suffers also escape so that we can go some place where we enjoy ourselves.

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Guest lazyphil

Dunno about LOS but I'd like to be the gatekeeper of England and keep out all the social security moochers that zap taxpayers money that should go on schools and hospitals etc......and yes we need to work on the native moochers do incase i sound like a neonazi :topic::stirthepo

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I think LOS can take care of herself but there are guy's I've declined to bring along because I know they would cause trouble for ME.


Some people think the way things work in their hometown/country apply to the entire world :nono:


There are a couple others (unlucky in love types) that I have refused to bring or encourage to go by alone because of the harm they would do to themselves.

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So true. I brought along a newbie on my trip to visit a friend in Cambodia and I was worried about him because he can be a bit much. He behaved for the most part but there were a few occasions I gritted my teeth.


To be fair, I'm sure I've done a few things and had my share a mea culpas.


but you're right, LOS will sort you out if you aren't too careful.

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