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Coss not lost - Fri 4th


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Got in on luverly 340 600 something, seats that go up and down and back and forward, just not quick enough unfortunately.


A new twist to the go up to departures and take a taxi that's just dropped someone off, my driver, flicked 20 or so baht to the police guy, so there's a rort there as well.


But only 135 bht on the meter and 60 tolls so it was no moment to me.


11:30 pm and shit shower and shave, was going to hit Soi Cowboy, but the sky train had closed and not being acclimatized to the heat, the walk to Nana was the lesser of two evils. Playskool was full of young beauties and Gspot less so.


1 o'clock was upon us so I bar fined a Buriram beauty, and the rest, as they say, was history.


The daylight test next morning allowed that she was a pretty young thing, but two incidents occurred.


1. lost mobile phone, in the bed, we couldn't find it any where, I thought it might be a new scam for a while and contemplated turning her upside down for a thorough look in the orifii. As it happened it'd slipped inside the pillow.


2. tried to up the money in the morning from 2k to 3k, I gave her 2.5k as she'd done sterling duty, but she's lost my repeat business, oh well, how sad, never mind.





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Isn't it stupid how these girls minds work.

They never think beyond the time you are paying them.

They never think that maybe (just maybe) if she played her cards right she might get more business from you.

They only think for the moment except when you're bar fining them and they ask for 'too much' money. They never think that they may well be sitting on the bar stool at 1 am all alone and thinking that 1000/1500 is better than a big ZERO.

The same goes when they go to bed. Poor performance and no return visit instead of giving a good performance and maybe being kept for a few days.

Oh well we have all written about it before and I don't expect it will ever change.

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And when I went back to Gspot the next night I didn't see her, but I got the Evil Eye from her sister.


And... well nothing, less business for that bar, in the quiet season what's more. There were 3 of us, only 10 customers in total at that time, 30% drop in turnover for that couple of hours.





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They seem to think only short term due to a belief that there will always be another customer the next day....and they are right....most of them don't give a damn about who they shag and if they can avoid spending too much time with a customer, so much the better....we are service users....end of.

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