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"I have the ability and the experience to do it."


Ability yes but experience I disagree with. Mekong gave you very good advice above. You have changed completely since you have landed.


I wish you well and hope that this is the one out of one hundred that works out long term.


Again, I think you are being played with here. This will most likely go on for as long as the money is coming, which could be weeks or years, ending only when it stops and she moves on.


Please, please, please....for the sake of all the other falang in Thailand, don't start buying a condo or business in her name. The perception of us as walking ATMs is already bad enough.

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I don't like giving life advice. People don't pay heed anyway. Besides, there could be a risk that, not knowing the full story, I could be steering someone the wrong way on the remote chance that he does heed my advice. Dragon's already made up his mind with regard to all the life advice. He's now asking for practical advice. If I knew the answers to his queries, I'd help, but I don't.


I've been lurking around these forums for a while now and enjoying it. Never contributed because have not yet felt I have anything to contribute.


Dragon seems like a genuinely nice guy and I can't help but feel concern for him. Now, against my better judgement, I'll pitch in my two cents worth. But first, here's why I think I qualify:


Been traveling to Thailand for the last twenty years. First trip when I was not much younger than Dragon. Been through the mill. Loved and lost, loved and lost, and loved again. Married to an accomplished Thai lady for 15 happy years and our little family with two pre-teens have been living in Thailand for the past three.


Born of Indian parents with westernized upbringing in a Chinese city (Hong Kong). Fluent in Cantonese, two Indian languages, and English. Working knowledge of Potunghua and passable Thai. Like Dragon, I feel alien wherever I go, but not in a bad way; I'm comfortable amongst all kind of company. Others sometimes have a problem, but that's their problem.


As to Thai-foreigner marriages: Watched friends go through the mill, watched them get married, divorced, raise families, be happy or wallow in misery. Their success/failure had more to do with how they (both husband and wife) handled the aftermath of marriage than whether the marriage was with a BG or GTG. If the marriage is a financial arrangement at the offset, it usually fails, but I've seen some successes as well, because people change.


Dragon, since you're already here, my suggestion would be to stay put for a while, do nothing, don't commit to a business, don't drink during the day, don't drink too much in the evenings either. Sit back for a good few months and watch things unfold. Remain skeptical without being a total cynic.


Do not transfer more money here than you need for monthly expenses and don't transfer more than a few month's of expenses. Open a bank account in your own name. Transfer money through your Belgian account in the normal way through your bank. There will be bank charges, but they are not unreasonable.


For many Thais, life is hard and the media daily shows them how the other half have it good. You'll be surprised at what some people feel justified in doing in their quest for a materially better life. The majority of Thai are decent people. But as a visitor, a foreigner, a non Thai speaker and someone possibly being led around by a GF who may or may not have your best interests in mind, you are unlikely to meet or gain the friendship of such Thais. You are on your own and need to be wary because the friendships you are likely to make (whether Thai or Farang) are more likely to be with leachers.


Don't be afraid to bail when things don't seem right; life gives you more than one chance at love. You keep saying that you can afford to lose the money. From what I've seen, guys always loose more than they bargained for, and, sometimes, not just money.


After my earlier experiences, I am alive, whole, and not broke. But that's just sheer dumb luck; things could easily have gone horribly wrong.


You've been offered some sage advice from many smart and experienced people on this board. Tact may not be some members' strong suite, but that doesn't make their advice less valuable. Do yourself a favor and keep what they've said in mind.


Oh, and you seem to be juggling quite a few things here: There was the cancer girl with her sex education, and now this gal with her MBA, as well as your own gal, not to mention starting a biz, looking for a job, Importing, Currency speculation, etc. I know all you young 'uns are multi-taskers these days, but you might wanna slow down a bit.


That's all - from someone not wanting to offer life advice!


Sorry for going off-topic but this active thread seemed the most appropriate place to say this.


>yadda, yadda<

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Thanks, one of the best opinion I ever read here.


Very good advices.


Although I must say that I cannot move there and

do nothing, just sitting on my ass watching days go by .....


I have to work and do something of my time.


Again you are right to the point

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She has her visa.....

I just prefer Thailand (same for her) and use Belgium as my back up (have 3 apartments on rent there)


Despite some "bad" sides I prefer to live and work in Thailand than to stay in my homeland.

I am also fed up with my present job and as I have the opportunity to launch my own business

(without too much financial risks) I feel I have to do it.

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Although I must say that I cannot move there and

do nothing, just sitting on my ass watching days go by .....


I have to work and do something of my time.


It's okay to sit on your ass for a while; you might save yourself some losses in the long run. Something that starts out as a small investment could suck you in deeper and before you know it, you're broke. But there's a bright side: at least then you'll find out if your gal really loves you.


You're sick of your job, making rash long term decisions - sounds like an early mid life crisis. Don't worry, you'll survive and there'll be many more; I've slept through some of mine.


If you want to be happy in Thailand, go back to Belgium with your gal and make some money for a couple of years then return to Thailand as a properly married couple with some history behind you. That history will be your anchor in troubled times.


>yadda, yaddda<

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