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could blair get elected in the US


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TM, perfect analysis of Clinton. I've met people who have met him and they say the same.


Blair with the same personality but with an American accent (you'd have to make him American to say is he electable) could win. He seems to have the charisma. I've seen him on question time and he seems to have it. He'd have to do what a lot of Dems do and go left in the primaries to win the Democrat nomination and go centrist during the election to get the middle. Nixon perfected this from the right. His strategy was run from the right to win the nomination, run as a centrist during the national campaign and govern to the left (trip to china, various laws on the environment, social programs,handicapped, etc all came from Nixon). He, like Clinton had no moral compass as well but unlike Clinton he was a paranoid nut case.

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