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Who is Rude?


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Just been to the Immig. in Jomtien to get my new passprt stamped,the attitrude (sic)of the Thai male staff when dealing with polite enquiries from farangs I find to be brusque and unhelpfull,interesting to compare this with how they treat Thai nationals...much more respectfull and politeinteresting to see how the famous smile and charm disappear when the " boot is on the other foot " and they have control over us ( the farang ).

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A WANKER IS A WANKER IN any nationality. yes ive seen rude farangs bartering with thais at shops screaming/barking at the thai to lower their price, and its almost always the farangs my age or younger who want to start a bit of biff for no reason.


but, ive lived o/seas in several different countries and i can tell you that the farang community sticks together when living as a minority. ive made great friends in thailand and japan with only one exception, a fellow aussie no less but he was a bit of a prick in general and regularly got into fights with thais and im guessing aussies back home too. but even he was manageable he just had muscles bigger than mine and thought he'd try and show off.


have also seen one farang knock out another with one punch at soi cowboy during songkran at about 5am. the guy who knocked the guy out took off real quick when the thais started getting aggressive at him, either that or he was scared of the cops...


thais are more sneaky rude, stealing, rip offs, pushing in line...things that can pee me off but u can generally live with. farangs are more in ur face rude

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In addition to 'rude', I would call a lot of the farangs I see in LOS total 'pigs' (though it is probably not fair to farm animals to say so). Its amazing how people with a better education from a supposed more advanced country can dress, look and act vs. the locals. I'm often embarrased to be a western white man.


I've learned though not to judge all by a few. Just when I thought all French must be pigs, I got paired on the golf course with a French man whose company I really enjoyed. On another occasion I got paired with two German brothers who told me how disgusted they were with their fellow Germans that they ran into in Patong.


I think LOS, because of its tolerance, relative low cost and availability of women to those who would be shunned by any decent female in their own country just tends to attract a 'lower' crowd than many other places.


Thankfully Thais are open minded and don't seem to judge all farang by the lesser crowd. I've always been warmly welcomed and treated excellently wherever I've gone in Thailand.

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I've learned though not to judge all by a few. Just when I thought all French must be pigs, I got paired on the golf course with a French man whose company I really enjoyed. On another occasion I got paired with two German brothers who told me how disgusted they were with their fellow Germans that they ran into in Patong.


I think LOS, because of its tolerance, relative low cost and availability of women to those who would be shunned by any decent female in their own country just tends to attract a 'lower' crowd than many other places.


Thankfully Thais are open minded and don't seem to judge all farang by the lesser crowd. I've always been warmly welcomed and treated excellently wherever I've gone in Thailand.


Well Dali, on the golf course most people from France, Germany , and Non "golfer nations" are more or less more civalised because it is still a Expensive sport in those countries, therefor has a more "mature" and "selekt" audience, They at least should know how to behave, and usually do so on the course.


When being paired with yanks, aussies or brits, those chances are a lot less. but YMMV




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I think it's simply because more of the poorer, ruder, scummier sections of European and American society have been coming to Thailand as their income has increased while airfares have stayed the same or got cheaper.


Ten years ago, Thailand was seen as an exotic unusual destination. Now it's up in the mindset of the masses as a normal place to go, just like Spain or France.


Result: we're seeing a lot more low-life morons - the lowest, most brain-dead, section of society.

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IME Thais generally dont like dealing with Farangs (with the excetion of bgs)because of all the cultural pitfalls/possibilities of the dreaded loss of face,they find it stressfull,and if theres one thing Thais dont cope with well,its stress.....

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They certainly cannot deal with stress very well but let's not forget that the most girls get a lot of presure from their folks already, especially the BGs!


When I was in Khon Kaen or Kalasin and I walked by a group of girls i thought to myself "they must confuse me with John Bon Jovi or something"


When I waslked buy a group of men i thought to myself "where did all the bounty hunters come from?"


When I walked by a group of elderly Thai Women i thought "do I have a huge mole in my face?"

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...my new impression is that it is the Farang who are rude! Even to each other.

All my observations here agree with Mainsail's.


I think over the past five years the crowd of Farang who come to Thailand has changed. ...this is an impression of how the Farang crowd seems to be changing.

Yes, again.

And matches the decline of civility we are seeing in our home countries in recent years.


I must be getting old as I think I sound like a grumpy old man here.

It's nice to meet you.

I hope to see more posts from you.

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