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1/3 Iraq wounded infected with super bug


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an iraq / german drug resistant bacteria has spread via military air evac to a global problem.

"By early 2005, nearly one-third of the wounded soldiers admitted to the National Naval Medical Center had been colonized by the bacteria."


"disinfectant used to clean catheters contained "a culture of the strain."


the military is being less than forthright about the infection, it's spread & it's dangers.

"In a PowerPoint presentation about acinetobacter and pneumonia delivered at the US Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine, a slide labeled "How to handle the press" read: "Don't lie. Don't obfuscate. Don't tell them any more than you absolutely have to."






Clean sheets and scrubs were scarce at the Ibn Sina as well, because the civilian laundry contractor was apparently selling them on the black market.


blood soaked sheets are mixed with general laundry


more than 30 civilian patients picked up acinetobacter infections at Walter Reed.


The evacuation chain itself had become the primary source of infection. By creating the most heroic and efficient means of saving lives in the history of warfare, the Pentagon had accidentally invented a machine for accelerating bacterial evolution and was airlifting the pathogens halfway around the world.


Once acinetobacter makes itself at home in a health care facility, however, it's hard to get rid of and easy to pass along. Before Roberta Carey started working for the CDC, she spent months trying unsuccessfully to eradicate the bug from a university hospital in Illinois.


When a team of geneticists unlocked the secret of the bug's rapid evolution in 2005, they found that one strain of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii carries the largest collection of genetic upgrades ever discovered in a single organism. Out of its 52 genes dedicated to defeating antibiotics, radiation, and other weapons of mass bacterial destruction, nearly all have been bootlegged from other bad bugs like Salmonella, Pseudomonas, and Escherichia coli.


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Another name for acinetobacter Baumannii is MRSA.


Back in November I got MRSA on my knee. It took over 1 month before the culture came back as positive for MRSA. All I can say is I was in a lot of pain and the medical people did very little.


Went to the doctors today, and it looks like I might have it on my foot. Doctor knows I had it on my knee, but she could give a shit.





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talk of MRSA really bugs me....... :mad:


big news in the UK about how everyone who enters Hospital will catch it because we are so dirty........bollocks.

the general public have been brainwashed by the Media that Hospitals are are dirty and Medical staff will pass it on to you.

try tell the public that they can catch it in a supermarket or nightclub and they laugh at you.

people are so paranoid due to disinformation.

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<< I have tried to figure out where I picked this shit up and the only place I can find is at a health club I belong to. >>


Could be.


Way back in my Peace Corps training days, one of the guys got ringworm from a freelancer and managed to infect the swimming pool at the Viengtai Hotel. Everyone who swam in that pool came down with the damned fungus. :(



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some years ago I had foot surgery .. decided to join the local Y to take 'wirl pool baths' ..

as I was preparing to get into the water a guy got in with 'boils' all over his body .. dozens of oozing scarlet red sores from his scalp to his legs.

I've never even considered a public bath tub since.


Thai laundry services using little (expensive) soap & un-hot (tap water) water could be a incubation petri dish . so to speak.

I ALWAYS get 'crotch rot' from hell while in LOS .. even when changing clothes 2 or 3 times per day!

course I am a sweaty farang.


may bring my own Tide on my next trip, my '80% regular' has a laundry machine at her apartment & she has offered to do my laundry.

(will cost me more in the end than a commercial laundry, but perhaps I'll get a cleaner / more sanitary washing)

umm .. but she'll be able to inspect all my clothes .."when you wear this shirt" .."where you go when you wear these pants" .. "this not my lip stick color on your collar"

heard tale of a guy that had lipstick on his underwear .. not a shade his wife wore .. big problem.


the article i linked to above mentioned that American hospital laundries in Iraq often do not even have bleach to wash the surgical sheets ..

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