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Iraq: The Sequel, swap the 'q' for an 'n'


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From Kieth Olbermann, probably the best pundit on TV anywhere.


This clip is worth watching.


I have no doubt that the US plans to invade Iran in the not too distant future.


What can be done to stop these murderous, bloodthirsty, amoral, greedy, evil sons of bitches?



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I fully agree with you, DSbadger.


In fact, if Bush just would have read some of the Thai pussy boards prior to the invasion, he would have gotten some excellent advice as to how the situation in Iraq would be now, after the invasion.


Of course, that wasn't the point, it never was about the Iraqi people.


I'm just wondering why so many US Thai whoremongers are less gullible and more far sighted than our congress. :dunno:

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I agree with BKK Traveler. How do you get people who are really pretty reasonable and peaceful, (the average Brit/American) to agree to blowing the absolute shit out of a country which poses no threat to them? How do you get them to turn a blind eye to mass killings of civilians, torture and the erosion of civil liberties?




Now. What amazes me is that it is irrefutably proven that the Bush/Blair/Howard ALL LIED to their electorate, to their citizens, the people who pay their inflated salaries and whose interests they are supposed to protect.. and yet, the vast majority of people don't seem to give a shit.. or refuse to believe the truth when it's spelled out for them.


Isn't it ingenious? They've turned democracy into a system in which the wealthy can do whatever the f**k they like; lie, cheat, steal, murder... and what do the sheep electorate do? Vote them back in.







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