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Students can "challenge" the exams here, and it isn't unusual for a good student to skip over a few years. I've taught first year university students who were only 15 or 16 -- had skipped the last two years of high school by passing the exams and then passed the difficult unie entrance exams too! I recall one sharp gal who got her BA at age 19.


Adults can also take the exams and get credit for primary, lower and upper secondary. One reason Ramkhamhaeng is so popular is that students need not attend classes regularly. They just have to do the assignments and pass the exams. Thus many Thais work full time and still study at Ramkhamhaeng. It may take them 6 or 8 years to graduate, but when they do it's a genuine govmt university degree presented to them by a royal.



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My GF has attended Sunday classes for two years at BATUNG KHONG KAH, (My phonetic interpretation) just past the Ekkamai Bus Terminal going towards Thong Lo. This terms final exam is tomorrow, when school resumes in May, she will have one more term to complete Mat tha yom (high School)


Classes are free, about three hours long and can be morning or afternoon. The quality of the education is pretty mixed; some teachers seem pretty dedicated and take a real interest in the students, others sometimes don't show up.


Her courses have included English, Thai, Health, History, Government, Mathmatics up to mid-level algebra and agriculture. Students have to go on a weekend camp each term, sometimes to a military base. Her last one was to Kanchanabury where they stayed at a river-raft resort.


One of the bonus's for her has been the large number of friendships she has made at the school. Many of her adult classmates have Farang BF's or husbands and they tend to group together and help one-another out.


Before she began, she was convinced she was stupid and could never learn. Last term, she ended-up number one in her class...she was so proud of herself, she now talks about going on to University with confidence. All in all, a very worthwhile program.

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Would appear your GF and my wife are classmates. :wave: My wife left for the exams about an hour ago after being up since 4:00 am studying.

Agree about the friendships she has made at the school. They really help each other and stay in contact all the time.


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Have your GF go to Ramkhamhaeng, rather than a private unie. Students don't have to attend classes at Ram, as long as they do the assignments and can pass the exams. Also, they can take their time about it -- graduating in 6 or 8 years, instead of just 4. It's cheaper too!



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