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Are you listening, GWB?


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Hey! This is fucking great! I can be like Fidel and some of the other keyboard warriors on here. I can just copy and paste url's all day long, run up my post count numbers, and think I am actually accomplishing something to change things. Why ... I am educating the masses of punters on Thai360 about the world events and all that nasty stuff they probably come here to read daily anyway. Who wants to read about Thailand and Thai women and all that stuff on here? What rot! And look! I don't have to write a fucking thing really? I can just post up shite all day long, meaningless shite I get off the internet to prove my points. It's fun! It's easy. It gets me harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdd! Yuck hah yuck! It's great as my wee little wanker brain cannot otherwise write a lick to argue my ideas and beliefs, or be bothered to actually take the time to state my case about the nasty Yanks on a site devoted to Thailand and its sanuk and getting laid and all that silly stuff that some people think this site is actually about. I can claim to be brilliant! Yes, brilliant! And drink a Guinness as well as I one handedly copy and paste all day long (brilliant!) my shite and bigotry and idiocy all over Thai360, until eternity, or at least until the evil Empire of America crumbles into dust and my idol the idiot commie Fidel Castro finally takes over the Bahamas and turns it into a utopian society like he has already made the delightful island of Cuba! Oh joy, oh joy, what a truly inspired and intelligent lad I am, don't you think? Wait, I'll be right back. It only takes a second to copy and paste this shite. I won't be but a moment.


Oh god, what fun this is! I never fucking realized. Come join me fellas. We can really add some great content to KS's website and attract all sorts of great commentary and wonderful discussions.

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God, this is wonderful! Here is some great nasty stuff on Bush and Enron! It's amazing! And to think I don't have to do a thing. Just copy and paste a url here and I get instantly hard. Wow.





p.s. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Tomorrow, I can start on the war, and all those other important things you all come here to read about! And to think I always thought we all came here to get away from all that boring crap for a while and just relax and chat about pussy and sanuk and beers and Thailand customs and culture and all that silly shit. This is so much fun I think I stained my shorts. And it is so easy. Why, even a caveman could it! No, that's Gyco that insurance company's slogan now. I know, it's so easy an Irishman can do it! Luckily I am half Irish.

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Ah, here we go! Right up the alley for this oil rip off stuff. I'm so fucking on topic now it hurts my already hard cock! I'm tearing up the board. I'm dealing a death blow to the evil imperialistic Bush warmongers! Why if I do this for a couple of months daily I might be able to topple the war machine and go to Thailand and get laid! I'm awesome, and I haven't had to do much of anything. I'm stealing the towels! But somehow, I feela bit empty. Never mind, here it is. Are you ready!???:




That's fucking right! How the Evil Bush Family Profits from the Patriot Act! Imagine if I hadn't posted the url here in Thai360! You dumb cunts would have never known about this or been able to find it for yourselves on the internet. This is complicated stuff you know. I do this as a service for you all. And, I'm cool, and, always right too.



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Ta Daaaaaaaa! I found more! There's shitloads of stuff out there like this. I could do this forever. Should i startmaking these into threads? I'm sure everyone wants to read this stuff.It's really really important you know that we make sure the idjits on here get this stuffed down their throats daily. We gotta spread the word!


Check this out! (And you thought you wanted to read a Turkfist story today.)





The Bush Family Saga


That's right, that's right. It says frauds R US! Read it and weep. You can say you heard it here first! The Bush family are frauds! Crooks! Nazis! And lots of other bad bad things you just don't know about unless I copy and paste the shite right here for you all to see! I'm making a difference.


"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you have to focus on" â?? GW Bush


Ain't that George a clever wit? This man is pure D muthafuggin evil! Hugh Hoy! I need you mate! I need help. We gotta go online and get ALL the info about this man and that fucking rotten country, Amerika-damned Nazis-and place ALL the info on here for everyone to see, or at least all the links. It is our duty, our life's work. Help me please. And maybe you can ask Phil to lend a hand as well? No more posting about Thailand. That's done and over man. This stuff is just too important.

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Khun Cent...be with you shortly! Doing some research on the Bush Admin and the tsunami of a couple of years back...also, the Exxon Valdez (an apparent torpedoing by the Ruskies which the U.S. didn't want to acknowledge because it might mean war). Besides, the Cheney and Bush families saw the loss of oil as another incident which would push up the price! Also researching the U.S. involvement in the bird-flu from a couple of years ago. I just KNOW the current Administration was responsible for that!!! And as mentioned by another poster, we haven't even mentioned the "Black Death" yet !!! Wanking material for many for years. They'll never need to get laid again! You'd think they would thank this Administration for all the airfares, hotel bills, beers and barfines they've saved. Amazing stuff, this cyber sex!



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