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Bangladesh, Dhaka


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I worked in Dhaka for 4 years, 1987-91, but I doubt that the scene has changed much. As mentioned by others, the International clubs were the place to go, as being a muslim country, there were no official bars outside, apart from the Sheraton and Sonagaon hotels and the Dhaka club. There was a scene of wife-swapping amongst the expatriate community, but for those looking for local talent, it was a hard scene to break into. You needed a contact within the Bangladeshi business community to set you up. Contrary to what you might expect, the educated Bangladeshi ladies were not adverse to pre or extra marital activities with the foreign community, but it had to be discreet. Just as in Thailand, most men in Bangladesh do not take care of their ladies. My friend, used to bring a few ladies round to my house from time to time. If you were really desperate, all you needed to do was drive slowly round the streets of the diplomatic quarters of Banani, Gulshan and Baridhara, and 'ladies' would spring from behind trees and jump into your car. This was fine if you had your own place, but not sure what reaction you would get if you were staying in a guesthouse/hotel. I only used these ladies when my family were evacuated during the first Gulf war. I preferred to hold out for regular visits to Bangkok. As I used to say the best thing that came out of Bangladesh was TG321 to Bangkok.


Had a buddy in Singapore in 1999 that had to spend 2 weeks each month there. He was hard to keep up with the first night back every month.


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