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She is bad, why is she so lucky?


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Why is the bad one so lucky? I would say that you're not going to find the answer in this life, you've got to look at eons of reincarnation and collected karma, which brought today's events to fruition. And don't worry about the bad one not getting her just desserts - the system is perfect, and no bad deed goes unnoticed or unpunished, although it may take a long time. Next life she'll be lucky if she's born a dog... while the good but unlucky girl will be born a man in a western country with lots of money...



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If they are unhappyy, its NOT because they have $ but for othr reasons

Which is exactly the point I was making. The same logic can be used for those with nothing, who you quite often find spend more time with a smile on their face than not. They find their happiness elsewhere. Just don't believe either is an absolute.

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The lucky ones are the ones who never hear the "stories of paradise" in the first place.


That is a very good one, you can't miss what you don't know!



Money = Happiness:

Money is security and makes your life easier, I wouldn't say it makes you happy, it makes you less desperate. I wouldn't talk much more into it, not being desperate and having financial security is already huge. You have more freedom to do things you like! The nice things you buy make you happy temporarily and after a while they become normal!


I am not sure why a young girl that is being lazy is considered a bad girl. According to that 80% of all farang teenagers are bad girls. At least where I come from these girls come home from school, won't help in the household, don't have a job because they got money from the parents and watch TV or hook up with friends and talk about make up and boys! The parents let her do that because in a couple of years her business career will begin and she will adjust automatically! The girls in the village don't get the time to be girls, they help in the household when they are very young, they cook for the family and go to the market on top of that they go to school! I totally understand that some girls want to spread their wings at the first chance they get when they move out to make money! I also HATE this character judgment from some people that say that they are low and lazy and just want sanuk! Please all of you, take a short moment and beam yourself out of your world and try to imagine yourself to be 18/19yo again being sent to a city that overwhelmingly huge for you (try to remember how big BKK was when you came their first time as a grown up), you have the mission to send money to your family. Now go and find a job in a city if that size. You have 3 options since you have no advanced education. You can take a cleaning job, you can work in a mall or you can work with farangs. First job pays you 4000 baht, 2nd job pays you 6000 baht and 3rd job pays you 2000 baht per night with a 8000 baht salary on top of it and people tell you there is a lot sanuk in this job! I know I would take job 3 because it makes more money in a shorter amount of time and people tell me there is sanuk in it and since I am 18yo, totally intimidated by the city and naive like a child I don't see the downside of the job because nobody will tell me it is a bad job, I see girls with gold walking hand in hand with farangs, they wear lovely clothes and smile all the time! Those girls who take job option 1 or 2 are not necessarily better characters, they are just as tempted as the those who take job #3 but they are scared they might not be beautiful enough because the other girls seem so cool and sexy for them! (tried many times to bring girls I like from an empty bar that pays 8k to a bar that is packed and pays 15k + tips and they have been to scared not to be sexy enough)


Well... and some girls know exactly what they are doing and others know exactly that they will never work the bars.

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