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Our Gal Hillary


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"Hillary Clinton said that her childhood dream was to be an Olympic athlete.

But she was not athletic enough. She said she wanted to be an astronaut,

but at the time they didn't take women. She said she wanted to go into

medicine, but hospitals made her 'woozy'. Should she be telling people this

story? I mean, she's basically saying she wants to be president because she

can't do anything else." Jay Leno


Did you know Bill and Hillary Clinton were born under the same sign? Know

what sign? 'For Sale.' Jay Leno


"A student from the University of Washington has sold his soul on eBay for

$400. He's a law student, so he probably doesn't need it, but still, that's

not very much. Today, Hillary Clinton said, 'Hey, at least I got some

furniture and a Senate seat for mine." Jay Leno


"Hillary Clinton said today that she wants legislation to allow all

ex-felons to vote. See, this way all of Clinton's former business partners

can vote for her in 2008."

Jay Leno


"Well, the big story - Hillary Clinton will be running for president in

2008. You know why I think she's running? I think she finally wants to see

what it's like to sleep in the president's bed." Jay Leno


Top Democrats have mixed feelings about Senator Hillary Clinton running for

president. Apparently, some Democrats don't like the idea, while others

hate it. Conan O'Brien


In a fiery speech this weekend, Hillary Clinton wondered why President Bush

can't find the tallest man in Afghanistan. Probably for the same reason she

couldn't find the fattest intern under the desk." Jay Leno


"Former President Bill Clinton said that if his wife, Hillary, is elected

president, he will do whatever she wants. You know Bill Clinton, when he

makes a vow to Hillary, you can take that to the bank." Jay Leno


"Hillary Clinton said today that she didn't know her husband, Bill Clinton,

was giving the Arabs advice on the port deal while she was ruling against

it. Can you believe that? Hillary was clueless about a major political

event. You know what that means? She could really be the next president of

the United States." Jay Leno



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I am glad Hillary is in this so early ,


she will burn out quick, people will get tired of her forced smile,


I think it will be someone else who will get it , not the front runners right now !




PS......at least I hope the front runners fall away....

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The problem is, if the Dems don't run someone cabable of winning, the Repubs will win again...no time to play games with PC candidates etc...I doubt the "swing voters" will go for a woman or a Black man as president...hope I am wrong...

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