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Illegal immigrants sue CA dealership for fraud


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I should look it up beforehand but I'm too much of a lazy mood to but from what I recall from history (which is dodgy at best), Mexico got their independence in the early 1820s (from the French via Napolean??) and America got the territory in the 1840s. Which left only a couple decades of it being solely Mexican as a nation but the people were always there which I think is their claim, even though they were ruled by Spain and France.


I still say the trend is towards a dual culture in at least the southwest border states. There is nothing that I can see that will stop this trend. Hence my trying to learn spanish. Its an inevitability from what I can see. The only 'hope' I see is that future latino generations assimilate like the Irish, Italians, etc. before them. Not sure if it will happen as their country of descent is close by. European immigrants and Asian immigrants were physically so far away they sorta had no choice. They couldn't go back easily as central american immigrants could. Also, they didn't harbor a pre-existing animus towards the U.S. as Mexican-Americans do.

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I was in the 99 cent store today and amazed at how many products had instructions in english and spanish ,

At least in California that battle has already been lost ,

One of the problems is that the kids speak spanish at home and when they go out with Mom or grandma,

This just puts them farther behind in school not having english spoken to them ,

and I am sure their TV set at home is on spanish stations,....


Ohh well ,



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"I still say the trend is towards a dual culture in at least the southwest border states."

Actually, tri-culture. Everybody forgets the Indians.


The other night I ate at a restaurant and the waitress was from Mexico. She claimed she was here legally and was not too happy that people were grouping the illegals and the legals into the same group.

I checked the Federal immigration site and was surprised that they claim there might be between 12-20 million illegals in the country. That is almost 7% of the population. And 7% is a large untapped area for tax revenue.

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The American southwest extremely under-populated before it became US soil. (Even counting the Indians, though nobody cared what they wanted - not the Spanish, Mexicans or Americans. They were just "aborigines".)


California's population in 1846 was not more than 20,000 (including about 1,000 Yanks, Brits and Russians). In Arizona there were no towns north of Tucson. New Mexico's non-Indian population was concentrated along the upper Rio Grande, the Sante Fe-Albuquerque area. Nevada, Utah and southern Colorado had no settlements at all.


I recall one American historian writing about the US expansion into the southwest as a case of "nature abhores a vacuum". The land simply was unsettled and used. It would have remained that way, if the US hadn't taken it. This is not to excuse the American annexation, simply to explain it.


Now the few Hispanics whose families were in the American southwest BEFORE the US annexation have a right to bitch. (Most of them are in northern New Mexico.) But someone whose ancestors lived hundreds of miles away and who just came into the southwest 15 or 20 years ago has no business saying it is "theirs".


p.s. One reason the US did go for California in the 1840s was the fear that the British were about to take it themselves and block the US from the west coast.

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