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Babies & Vipers Generally Don't Mix but...WTH, TIT!


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It makes you wonder just how stupid some parents are, that cobra had obviously been defanged, and was harmless. But, encouraging your child to play with a potentially lethal snake is crazy, the next one she comes across could well be a wild one with it's fangs intact and full of venom, the outcome of that, would be tragic.

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my Mum always tells a story of when we were in Singapore.

i was about 3 and one Day found a snake in the garden and bought it inside the house.

the 'housekeeper'(for want of a better word,can't remember the proper name)saw the thing and went crazy.

she ran around looking for a weapon while shouting 'Missy,Missy snake evil,will kill topher(that was her name for me)and finally found a machete and took it's head off.

children are so innocent and curious.


and it seems i used to go shopping with the housekeeper and the locals would give me gifts.

one Day i was given one of those crabs about a foot across and when at home managed to untie the twine around it's claws.

seems it took my Mum and housekeeper to hold down the lid of the saucepan as they tried to boil the bugger.......


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