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Black Guy Kills White Teen


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Basically, the guy doesn't have much of a defense because he used a hand gun he was not suppose to possess and secondly, he did not have a gun permit. New York State will see that he probably pays dearly for those mistakes.


I think that precise issue is in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Ct. right now. That is, the "castle" theory and whether or not a state or municipal authority can regulate the possession of a firearm in/about one's home.




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The "castle" theory generally means you have the right to protect yourself and are innocent until found guilty. In non-castle States, you are guilty and you must prove other wise if you try defending yourself.

The case before the US Supreme Court seems to be different. The case came about because of a person who uses a gun for work. The gentlemen wanted to take the gun home with him so he applied for a permit. He was denied. From this situation came several issues.

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