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Gordon Brown Unpopular..why?


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The current Labour government which we have had to endure for over 10 years are control freaks. They want to stick their noses in every aspect of the citizens life. They have created over 3,000 new criminal offenses since they came to power, but does anyone feel safer? I think not? They have help foster to obsurd proportions the culture of political correctness which is helping to destroy British society as it once was. They have involved our armed forces in more conflicts than any government since the second world war whilst at the same time cut (in real terms) the defence budget. Our troops are expected to operate with substandard equipment, radios that don't work, drive around in unarmoured snatch land rovers etc etc. When they do get home they are provided with substandard armed forces housing and those that have been wounded are put in over crowded NHS wards due to the closure of dedicated military hospitals. We now have more people on the government DNA database than any other country on earth. Many of them are children and most have not actually been charged with, let alone actually convicted of any criminal offence. As for Gordon Browns wonderful handling of the economy, he has in his tenure at the treasury presided over an economic boom built largely of consumer spending and huge consumer debt. Based largely on house price inflation. A house of cards that IMHO is about to come tumbling down?


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We get Question Time here and I have to say Blair was entertaining. I've only seen Brown once at QT and it was less exciting but politicians should be effective and if a lack of charm is their only offense then... :smirk: If they are boring and ineffective well, it makes it even worse, doesn't it?


But reading the maladies of the government almost reads like the U.S. Replace DNA database with the Patriot's Act and you come close.


Bringing the army home should save lots of money but what other things need to be done? The Brit friends I have complain about immigration more and more and the Londoners I know are saying the city is getting almost unlivable with the high cost of living.


How is the unemployment rate? What other things should the government be doing? Are you guys any closer to dropping the pound for the euro or that won't happen? I don't know if its a good thing or bad thing but it seemed like that debate has ended somewhat from what I can tell.

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The problem with the UK IMHO is that Politicians are so out of touch with the real world. They do not know what makes the 'man on the street' tick, nor do they understand what pisses him off.


Imigration is one of the easier issues to address, however as we have signed to the Lisbon treaty, we are honour-bound to accept pretty much any EU citizen into the country and a %age of those outside. We have no power just to shut our borders unless we pull out of the treaty (state of emergency excepted). As a nation we have essentially signed away most of out powers to Brussels although the government did get opt-outs on taxation....whooppee!!


Unfortunately all the political parties are pretty much the same, the tories ensure the rich get richer, Labour have policies to help the poor but either way the middle-class get screwed and I belive in the next election its this group that is going to have a big say on the future of the country. Unless Labour get rid of Brown and adopt more pragmatic policies for the better of the people then I can see them being trounced by the tories.


You mentioned the Euro, of course we will adopt it, we wont like it, the media will make a big song and dance about it, but it will happen, the question is when, it could be next year, it could be 20 years time.


When Labour got into power, they promised the country a referendum on the EU Treaty, The French and Dutch both overwhelmingly rejected it and rightly so. Our goverment back-tracked, denied the Brits the vote and signed the new Lisbon treaty anyhow, which in all but name is the old EU Treaty rehashed


So its small points like this that make us wonder why we bother to vote - especially if our voices aren't going to be heard and listened too.


2008 is going to be a tough year, I have friends in the city (bankers) and they reckon they wont have jobs in June. The country is heading for recession!! Mark my words.


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