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Interesting email


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From Dean's collumn


Hi Dean, Last night, new year's eve, me and a group of expat friends ( 8 total ) went to the Mandarin club in Nana Plaza to finish the night. A majority of the guys in this group are regular customers of the place and big spenders, leaving 15K+ bills regularly.


One of the guys disagreed on a 125 baht vodka bill, he paid it, everyone saw him pay it but one of the mamasans insisted that he didn't. No big deal the night went on ( as usual quite a few bottles were opened and paid for ).


Except that when the 125 baht bill guy went to the bathroom he got assaulted by the "security service" dragged outside and badly beaten up, blood pouring all over the place and so on... Lucky for him I was leaving the place with my Thai gf and we stopped the beating. (of course no explanation, no "pay now or we hit you")


So if you want to get beaten up for a small side bill you already have paid, I strongly recommend The "mandarin club" in Nana Plaza. Is there anything legal to do now? cheers, Jazz




Hi Jazz, I am no lawyer but this being Thailand I would say you have just about zero legal recourse in this situation. If you have some pictures of the beating, etc., but even then I doubt the enormous effort to find justice in a society where rich kids in trouble just say "Do you know who my father is?" would pay off for you and your friend. This Thai attitude in bar areas in quite common. They ignore the money coming in that they will lose and the bad publicity and do stupid things, such as the mentality of the bartender in Angelwitch. I also heard the chick running Big Dogs told a guy to get out who didn't like the music. He and his friends were also big spenders there. The only thing you can do is vote with your feet and your wallets and avoid any place that gives you a raw deal. Getting involved with Thai police in nightlife scrapes is not usually a great idea. All the best, Dean


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Witnessed an angry bouncer chasing a guy out of the plaza who then threw a beer bottle narrowingly missing the chaps head. There was a uniformed cop right there as in a few metres away who didnt do or say a thing nor was he asked to.


I got stung in a top floor bar on one of my first trips and refused to pay the extra. I just sat outside and told them to call the tourist police. Dont know if its true but someone told me the tourist police charge the bar if theyre called in. Anyway they didnt call the police but fetched the plaza management who listened to my story and the waitressess. I refused to pay what I didnt owe and the management said I could go.


Another bar and maybe it wouldnt have been a happy ending and the goons might have just dished it out there and then so dont think Im offering any advice.

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Also sometimes it seems to be a language breakdown.


The other night a large, mean looking security guy from Bamboo Bar was itching to get a piece of a rude arab who the waitress mistakingly thought wasnt going to pay. The arab was loud and rude to the waitress but even I understood he was going to pay after he washed his hands.

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This story is interesting, mainly because there are dozens like it on the web and I've never seen anything approaching it in real life.


Yes, I've seen girls, mamas and other staff asking people to leave or being quite confrontational but never to someone who didn't have it coming; whether in general rudeness or just irritating behaviour. I don't think that high roller automatically equals good guy, and I certainly wouldn't dream of any "I make more in a day than you do in a month!" type comments I have heard some say.


Question is (for the guys here who have been in LOS a while!) - am I just a naive tourist who's a bit green around the gills, or is a bit of common sense, politeness and generous tipping the way to a smooth evening?

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