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Barak bel Laden, Aftican Muslim


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OK Now I'm really pissed! Look at this... And you know I'm going to register Dem and vote for Barak bin Laden because I'm afraid that evevy menapausla hag that didn't work a day in her life and had her husband pass on at 65 so she can live in a posh retirement home and every sorry arsed furustrated hag goes out with all the monirities and then elects Hillary because they can't understand the issues.....Now I'm Pissed, Boy and I pissed off and not drunk....pundits when I say pissed I mean MAD as HELL! Not drunk!Lets visit Barak bin Ladens house of worship!

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Not at all... I will vote Republican... but in the primary I'll vote for Barak bin Laden because I know he has a much less chance to win that Hillary....

I'm afraid living in the soth of Phuket will not be far enough to get away from Hillary. I can't wait for Hillary to try some bull on Samak and mor over request and audience with H.E. Pol Lcol Dr. Thaksin S. Vote for Hill the Pill

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No, John Mc Cain will bring the troups home in an an orderly fashion. I do think that those sorry aresed Iraqi Muslims should have long ago done the right thing but it took brave Americans to set the county straight! Bring'em home, shite we need to be doing more than we are in helping Thailand border security.... How about sending about 5K troops to the JusMag. Now that will be a cluster at Suwannapoom.... All that military hard ware entering Thailand, just think will all the proper channels to pass thru many normal customs guys will have to be replaced by Thai Military that have security clearences to even know that stuff exsists, let alone look in the boxes!

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read between the lines in the clip....It all points to underlying Muslim stuff!


McCain's your man. He's going to kill them all with his bare hands.



Shall we have Hillary pusing the red button while having a hot flash over Bill's next dalliance. Of

r will it be Barak bin aden giving all out money to Africa and the black slums of Ameerica, not that America is almost a black slum in an of its own doing!


My biggest problem with the Dems is Tax and Spend....while they lavish in their wealth just like the Kennedys and Mr and Mrs. Condiment (Heinz/Kerry) the just want to make things more free for the rich and Repubs want to let people decide how to spend their money.... Rebate... I promise to spend my entire repate supporting the Ho's of Thailand. See, that is good 'Punter Fiscal Policy'! When I move to Thailand I will pay so little property tax that they don't collect but every few years. In America the Clinton legacy has me paying 290USD per month in property tax... Just my property tax would support a a big family in Issan, or the BG who gets it out of me and sends it home!

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