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Resignation and impact on Visa B

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Was is the rule again when one resigns before their work permit expires and the work permit and visa B have same expiration date?


I know that the work permit must be cancelled within seven days of last day at work but how is the visa handled?


Does that person have to leave Thailand within so many days if not working again for another employer or can that person still live in LOS until expiration (the visa has 30 more days on it past the date of resignation)?





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I'm no authority but I thought:

You get a visa and arrive in Thailand. Then you get your work permit issued and your visa is extended based on the WP. Termination of the WP means termination of the visa, except I thought I read that there is a 7 day grace period to allow you to pack up and split.

Others may have better info.

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The visa tied to your job has always been a pain in the butt. That's why I advise people to get a spousal visa, if they are married. Keep your visa seperate from your employment. I once lost my visa when my contract ended and the new job I thought I had fell through. Meant a quick trip down to Penang. :(


Also, I once worked for a publisher who was notorious for losing his temper, firing someone and calling Immigration the same day to tell them to cancel the visa. I actually had no trouble with the guy, but it was comforting to know my visa wasn't in his hands. (He could have cancelled my WP, but not my visa.) He did fire one gal and got her visa cancelled immediately.





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