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"Mr. Bush: Shut the hell up!"


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Hard to believe, but a lot of Conservatives actually believe what Bush has predicted is that the election of a Democratic president could [color:red]"eventually lead to another attack on the United States."


As for Bush's golfing; remember he is the one who said what he said on the subject. Before 9/11, he was spending way too much on vaction. It sounds like it has finally caught up with him.

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Hard to believe, but a lot of Conservatives actually believe what Bush has predicted is that the election of a Democratic president could "eventually lead to another attack on the United States."


Why is this such an outlandish prediction? After all, it is exactly what happened last time.

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Bush was NOT a democrat on 9/11, and the "Terrorists" will attack regardless which political party is in the White house.


The terrorists attacked us again and again without us responding throughout the eight years of Clinton's Presidency and eventually they launched 9/11. Since then we have been fighting back and it is primarily the terrorists who are getting hit. If we stop fighting back, as Obama intends, the attacks on America and our interests will again increase. This is not so hard to figure out.

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Clinton did act in regards to terrorist attacks.


On Aug. 7, 1998, the day that al Qaeda destroyed the U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Clinton directed a campaign of increasing scope against bin Laden's network.


Clinton signed three highly classified Memoranda of Notification. Clinton authorized the killing instead of capture of bin Laden, then added several of al Qaeda's senior lieutenants, and finally approved the shooting down of private civilian aircraft on which they flew.


The Clinton administration ordered the Navy to maintain two Los Angeles-class attack submarines on permanent station in the nearest available waters, enabling the U.S. military to place Tomahawk cruise missiles on any target in Afghanistan within about six hours of receiving the order.


3 times after Aug. 20, 1998, when Clinton ordered the only missile strike of his presidency against bin Laden's organization, the CIA came close enough to pinpointing bin Laden that Clinton authorized final preparations to launch. In each case, doubts about the intelligence aborted the mission.


The CIA's directorate of operations recruited, trained, paid or equipped surrogate forces in Pakistan, Uzbekistan and among tribal militias inside Afghanistan, with the common purpose of capturing or killing bin Laden. Inside Afghanistan, tribal allies twice reported to their CIA handlers that they fought skirmishes with bin Laden's forces, but they inflicted no verified damage.


Operatives of the CIA's Special Activities Division made at least one clandestine entry into Afghanistan in 1999. They prepared a desert airstrip to extract bin Laden, if captured, or to evacuate U.S. tribal allies, if cornered.





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