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McCain gives Hagee the boot!


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So Obama had a dodgy pastor, but at least he didn't say Hitler was right....


This is a new low surely....a presidential hopeful aligned with a Hitler admirer!


Of course, he boots him out now...but before he had tolerated this shit....quote from the BBC....


"Rev Hagee has also described the Roman Catholic Church as "the great whore" and a "false cult system", as well as suggesting that Hurricane Katrina was God's retribution for homosexual sin."


So it took Hitler admiration for him to make a move, but the previous comments were just fine, or not 'bad' enough it seems.




So, using RYs logic...Hagee and Mcinsane were good buddies and go way back...so is Mcmundane a closet Hitler fan...does he intend a jihad against non-blue eyed, non-blonde haired types?

Does he want to create an elite race? Bring in pseudo-paganistic iconography and resurrect goose step style marching? Does he plan a fourth reich? A destruction of Israel and Jews around the world? Or are muslims sufficient for now??


I might stop laughing in a month or so...maybe.

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I personally wouldn't use McCain's association with Hagee to vote against him as I would Obama's with Wright. Obama's relationship was far closer but knowing the context of both, I've ruled their association out as reasons not to vote for either.

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In theory Obama could make the claim that Wright changed over the years. McCain can't say the same.


Wright has run what we call an 'activist' church. Churches with that many members (I think its well over 5k) in cities have political power (by default) and use it. These are the same churches that Democrat candidates come to on Sunday morning the week or two before an election and basically give a stump speech from the pulpit (something I'm totally against in any church as a Christain but I digress).


Smaller black churches aren't as political. I can pretty much guarantee you that every black member of Congress goes to a mega black church. Its in their political best interest and I would suprised if similar statements as Wrights' weren't said in those pulpits.


Its not right or even accurate but its something that wasn't an issue to some or made aware to the larger society before Obama came to national prominance.


In a way maybe its good for these churches to lose their 'pass' to say what they want about any 'ol thing as now it has greater political ramifications.


As I said in a prior post, in other threads, those that know black churches are either wondering what the big fuss is about or dimissive of it because its so common.


As I said EVERY black bapist church (or similar denominations) makes similar comments. Its not PC but in the proper context, Obama would have to go to a white church for him not to be tied to any such comments. Obama's body of work doesn't reflect it. My life doesn't reflect a lifetime of going to black churches. Knowing what you know about me from my political rants on here, would you associate my view along with Wright's? I've gone to similar types of churches. I suspect you wouldn't if you're honest. Those that have met me wouldn't either. The sound bites make it seem Wright says that stuff every week. No way. He would lose 95% of the people after a month. Black folks go to church partially to get a fire and brimstone sermon, do a little singing and if you're up to it, some dancing or moving about, and forget the bills, job and life for a couple hours. You hear a rant once in a while for the price of admission. That's the black church.


RY either you know better and are trying to convince neutrals, many of whom have never lived in the U.S. here or have never visited a black church or you don't know it in context and are taking a black and white view of it.


I'll guarantee you if you ask black Republicans like JC Watts, Condi or Colin Powell the matter privately they'll tell you they have heard the similar things at their church. If they go to a black church now, their pastor had a 'white man this or that' rant. Gurantee it. I don't even have to say 'likely'. Its just a part of the culture to have a piss. Rightly or wrongly. I remember hearing the sermon after the Rodney King verdict at a church my then gf and I went to. The pastor said everything but drop F bombs..lol...I'm sure similar sentiments were repeated at EVERY black church in the country.


If someone is not going to vote for Obama or they are going to assume he shares Wright's view, then add myself, every black poltician to that and any black Republicans who presently goes to a black church or for that matter ANYONE who is a member or regularlly attends black churches. You may not find the same rhetoric as Wright but you'll find something.


Its all great for Republicans as a poltical strategy to trot it out but in its true context it gets a roll of eyes and an "is that it?" from me.

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