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"One of the Tragedies of the Bush Administration"


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Newt Gingrich is talking some crazy shit:


"This is ... one of the great tragedies of the Bush administration," Gingrich continued. "The more successful they've been at intercepting and stopping bad guys, the less proof there is that we're in danger. And therefore, the better they've done at making sure there isn't an attack, the easier it is to say, 'Well, there never was going to be an attack anyway.' And it's almost like they should every once in a while have allowed an attack to get through just to remind us."


"Gingrich then recommended splitting the FBI into a domestic crime unit, which would respect civil liberties, and a "small but very aggressive anti-terrorism agency" with "extraordinary ability to eavesdrop."


"I think that your liberties in a domestic setting are paramount," Gingrich explained. "I would rather risk crime than risk losing my civil liberties. But I would not rather risk a nuclear weapon. ... I think the greatest danger to our liberty is to actually have the country end up in the kind of attack that would lead us to favor a dictatorship for security.





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For one, this country has had the rub of the green in a couple incidents. During the Millenium, we were one suspicious border agent away from having LAX blown up from a terrorist coming in from Canada.


The shoe bomber was on his way and it was his own nervous that saved the plane.


So far, so good but they only have to be right and for al Qaida, its easier to go after overseas targets than try and come in when we're all on alert. So, I think they are not focusing on domestic terrorism as much. Just a guess I could be wrong.


One of my biggest fears with regards to domestic terrorism was that al Qaida used white, european looking moslems from the Balkans or they recruited Nation of Islam blacks here. Farrakhan has to know that any hint of association with the terrorists would not only make him the target of the FBI and every law enforcement agency but he would lose the support of all black americans. We may moan about 'the man'..lol..but not enough to support anyone supporting terrorists.



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