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Senate GOP blocks windfall taxes on Big Oil


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The graduated tax is a tax on the smarter, harder working people, those that strive to realize the American dream. Why should you pay a higher percentage just because you make more? Totally unfair in my opinion. It's a disincentive to work harder and earn more.


Let's say I work two jobs. I am a hard worker and trying to get ahead. I want more out of life and am willing to bust my hump to get it. Why should I pay more in taxes (percentage-wise) than the guy who works his forty hours and goes home to watch tv and drink beer? He makes forty grand a year. I make eighty grand a year because I work two jobs, or have a business where I bust my ass to make it a success, whatever? I should not pay more than the 10% rate that everyone else pays if the tax system is 'fair'.





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How about schizophrenics and other severely disabled? War wounded? Orphans?


What's the current right wingo on them?


Also, any flat tax needs to be based on income above a certain living wage. 10% of $1,000,000 may be a heap of money, but it's nothing compared to 10% of $15,000.





Those you mention would of course be taken care of (to a point, and according to their problems-real problems) out of the 10% tax we all pay. It would be part of the societal and governmental system these tax monies are used for. I see a flat tax rate as no problem in this. And I use 10% just as a figure. It could be any percentage that the government and the people come up with.



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Cent is a well known Communist, that's the reason why he lives near the Lao border so he can flee easily when FREEDOM sends its rightful retribution.



:) Far from a communist! And closer to Cambodia than Laos!


I believe in personal freedom. And I feel if you work hard you should reap the benefits of that hard work and not pay more than your fellow man/citizen that doesn't want to work hard, or at least as hard or harder than you are willing to work to get what you want out of life. We all should pay the same tax rate, and out of that tax money our society takes care of those who truly deserve our help as a caring and humane society. But, just because I make more does not mean I should pay more 'percentage-wise'. That is up to me to give my hard earned money away to the charities of my own choice. And if I do, I gain no tax incentives for doing so. It is true 'charity', not just a way to lessen my tax burden.





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Get rid of income tax. Scale sales tax to meet the budget and eliminate all other taxes. People who buy multiple mansions, ferrari's and yachts will be the ones who pay the most sales tax. People who are involved in organized crime, drugs, cottage industries, or otherwise pay no taxes today will all pay their fair share. No deductions, no loopholes, no income tax returns, no IRS.


When you tax on the consumption side it makes it fair to everyone. And when you release all those millions (?) of people involved in todays tax bureacracy jobs from auditors to tax lawyers they can all go get a job that adds to the economy rather than sucks up other peoples contribution.


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Pinko leftist enemy of the people! Next you'll be saying the rich should have to serve in the military and go to war too.





Actually I believe every man and woman after high school should have to spend 18 months doing some sort of service for the country. Whether military service, or community service they get paid for just like in the military. All should have to go through some sort of 'boot camp' to teach physical fitness, self defense, and discipline/self-discipline too I feel. And they'd receive schooling teaching life skills as well. 6 months of 'boot camp' physical training and schooling, and 12 months of actual service to the country in one form or another. Everyone! No exceptions, even most disabled persons can benefit from this in some way. A national 'draft' that includes all. The thing is this would help the country, help these kids, and give them all some sort of training in areas they have none in. It also gets them away from Mama and Papa for a couple of years before they go off to university or whatever they choose to do after. Life training. Service to your family, community, country for the good of all. There are so many areas this would help with in our country.


Besides military duty if so desired (and some will desire to serve in the military) there would under my planning be many other ways people could do their service; from helping in old age homes, to forestry service, teacher's aides, hospital work, pollution clean up, aide to rural poor families and single mothers, urban policing and clean up, snow removal for the elderly, a check service for the elderly where these 'students' would make sure the elderly have adequate heat, food, water, warm clothing, etc., to national park guides, seashore patrols learning marine biology and marine pollution control, the list is endless, the experience would be educational and healthy, and the country would be better off for it and the young citizens would be helping in many many ways.


A national peace corp if you will. Pay set at the same level as the military pays for new recruits with raises along the way evey six months. Testing. Certification for skills learned. Benefits toward a college education upon completion of service.


Why is this not done?


I'd also set unemployment benefits up so those receiving this benefit would have to do some sort of community service 16 hours a week. 3 days looking for work. 2 days doing some community service to receive your check. 2 days off.


Same with welfare recipients. 3 days in school learning a skill or trade. 2 days doing community work. 2 days off. With trained child care professionals and my trained peace corp community workers workers as aides to take care of the under school-aged children of these welfare recipients while they are being retrained to enter the workforce as contributing proud citizens.


It's not rocket science. Really, it's not. But the country has lost its will, its pride in accomplishment and education, and its balls to impliment what is just common sense government for the people.





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As for taxes, I say get the tax money like they did for the first 100 years the government was in existence. As for military service, send those who want to go, to war. As for oil, kick the oil companies asses just like Standard Oil was kicked out from under John D. Rockefeller ass.




Well, I'd think the country a much more complicated and expensive place to run effectively these days don't you think? I also don't like the sales tax as the tax that generates income for the government. That would make all items more expensive. Flat tax for me seems the best. Yeah, the rich could afford the sales taxes, but what about the poor and those with lesser incomes comparably to those well off.


As for oil and all other companies. I think a flat tax would be easiest for them as well. I really hate that governments give all these incentives to big business. And the bail outs truly piss me off. The comon folk don't get bailed out by the feds and state. Why should the multi-billion/million dollar companies get to basically use our tax dollars for their fiscal and business bad management? They should sink or swim like the rest of us have to. It really sucks when you see these CEOs run their business into the dirt, yet walk away with millions. After of course raiding the workers retirement funds, milking the employees for millions in concessions (right out of the little guys pocket usually), and then cry they need government help. Fucking bullshit and criminal behavior if you ask me.



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