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Bored with the old messiahs?

loner w/a boner

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"..."ordained" So, does that take care of your tax status, or performing marriages, or what? I thought you needed a 503C corp for a church to take advantage of non-tax status..."



I am actually ordained, nice and legal like. Universal church of life or something in Modesto California, they ordain anyone. If I actually did register, yes, I could perform marriages etc...


The tax exempt church thing is a trick in itself, basically, you really do need a church and a congregation.

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I remember a civil servant who got ordained and built a concrete block "church" on his farm. He have his friends come over a couple of times a month and preach to them - then claim a tax exemption on his land! Far as I know, he got away with it.


He had the makings of a fine politician.


p. s. There was a nutcase church in East Tennessee that would ordain anyone for 50 bucks. I thought about it, but a guy went and screwed it up by revealing that he'd had his dog ordained. That got the "church" angy and they stopped ordaining people / animals - especially after a woman admitted she'd had her cat ordained too.



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