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Hi So Dating Scene


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A bit off topic, but perhaps still related. The other day I recalled being in an auto parts store in the USA, where they had "vanity" cell phones and car antennae.


Think of that, a fake antennae on the back of your car so that others would think you have a phone in your car. And phony cell phones?


What kind of insecurity would a person have to have to do such a thing?


Personally, plastic boobs on women are about as far as I can go on the vanity thing.



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"judmentally negative??" What does that really mean? In other words, don't comment on this sort of stuff?


Are they real Hi-Sos or wannabes? Fuck all if I know, but I know what I saw.


Shyguy had a great comment:

I guess you missed the Gothic look in the West.


He's right (I guess that is a negative in terms of living here for too long - miss this sort of stuff), but I read about it and saw it in a few shopping malls on trips back, which means I really don't know much (nothing at all) about it. Do you think that is what was all about? :smirk: I honestly wouldn't know.

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I wouldn't think about it too much. It's not the first khun_khon_neua post to make fuck-all sense and it stuck out like a sore thumb in the midst of otherwise relevant sane responses. Bizarre in itself.


Why wouldn't someone comment on something so bizarre? That's the point of the board.


Two people of the same (but not English-speaking) nationality speaking in (mangled) English to each other is the strangest thing. I've seen it before in Thais. Why? Why would they do this rather than speak their own language? :dunno:

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Probably an attempt to impress those around them, shitty as their language skill may be. It's just to show off.


The few times I've seen this happen the conversation was at an elevated volume to make sure everyone else could hear.


As an aside, I've seen farangs doing the exact same thing while attempting to speak Thai.

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Nah... KKN doesn't make sense at all... the Moth does... the fair skinned fuckers seat orderly... they don't eat somtam pralaa... they speak english or even worse central thai... and ôôôô the great sin they carry a laptop... They MIGHT even be able to use it!! That is truely REPULSIVE.


What are some of you guys on? really? I'm sure a savvy mix of cocaine LSD and heroine wouldn't waste you so much at your pathetic tries at self respect :(

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"Quite possible. As everyone here knows I make such huge amounts of money from this website that "I can easily afford to have high tea at the Four Seasons. Obviously being driven there in my chauffeured limo."


uh!?! It seems the demise I had noted in The Oriental a few days back reached the Four Seasons- BTW went to Gaysorn this week end after at least a year away, encouraged the Missus to buy a few Emporio suits but the western fashion educated slant eyes devil would find default on every piece. Pressure is breathtaking. I'll have a radioactive ice tea.

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Nah... KKN doesn't make sense at all... the Moth does... the fair skinned fuckers seat orderly... they don't eat somtam pralaa... they speak english or even worse central thai... and ôôôô the great sin they carry a laptop... They MIGHT even be able to use it!! That is truely REPULSIVE.


What are some of you guys on? really? I'm sure a savvy mix of cocaine LSD and heroine wouldn't waste you so much at your pathetic tries at self respect :(

Jay-sus. The world IS coming to an end...I'm agreeing with a Dullnight post now (despite a plethora of spelling & grammatical errors). Be afraid, be very afraid...



SD -- agreeing with KKN is not unusual for me

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"despite a plethora of spelling & grammatical errors"


Typing after a arguably very sophisticated but most definetely heavily boozed evening session never did much good to my english :( But this is when I get the energy to respond to the most outrageous ineptias regulary spilled on this board.


Dullnight, the thruth, just the thrust


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Nah... KKN doesn't make sense at all... the Moth does... the fair skinned fuckers seat orderly... they don't eat somtam pralaa... they speak english or even worse central thai... and ôôôô the great sin they carry a laptop... They MIGHT even be able to use it!! That is truely REPULSIVE.


What are some of you guys on? really? I'm sure a savvy mix of cocaine LSD and heroine wouldn't waste you so much at your pathetic tries at self respect :(


What are you on? You and KKN can't even read a light-hearted post without inferring something else into it that wasn't implied. Both you and he seem to have an agenda (something like "vulgar farangs look down on Thais... UNLIKE ever sophisticated us") and you shoe-horned this into it.


I quote:

"Everyone was speaking English, but affected and appalling bad English"

I.e. It's not their native language but it's highly likely that they had a native language in common. There were only speaking to each other (unless the whole show was for Gadfly's benefit :) ). So why on earth choose to communicate in a language in which they both had far less fluency? :dunno:


It is bizarre by any standards. Swap the word Thai for Swedish and the word English for Japanese if it will help you think more clearly. Get you away from that shoe-horn. :)


This is a board about Thailand as seen from a farang point of view. You should expect at least the occassional playful discussion about how odd some Thai habits are. It's not automatically racist.


The first thing that immediately stuck me about Gadfly's post, by the way, was the word "Munchies". Did he imagine it all? :)

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