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Anybody know about 'Life Experience' Degrees from Trinity?


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A taste of sour grapes here I think.The realisation that people with degrees may have wasted their time in pursuing a degree in The history of art or something as useless.

I gained a degree in sociology,which was a much use to me as a katoey that doesnt `smoke`.

Work ethic?

Which particular part of getting pissed every night ,smoking weed,and swanning around like a twat,poncing off the state,became hard work?

The truth is that people without degrees can earn just as much as ones without.They might even do a better one.

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if a person can perform a work without formal education he/she is probably smarter. cool.gif" border="0

Why not start a Nana Plaza University. Awarding degrees in social sciences - one report from nightlife gives a bachelor's degree. An analysis of the nightlife a master's degree. A major contribution to the board a doctorate.

Diplomas could be signed in Woodstock every week by present members. I expect the lucky fellow winning the degree paying for the drinks. wink.gif" border="0

elef crazy.gif" border="0

[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: elef ]

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All these points make sense.

And certainly your past can catch up with you.

I felt a little sorry for the English guy who got a job running the Nissan spare parts division in the U.K.

It was a tough job, because it had been losing a lot of money.

The guy got the job because he had fulfilled the same role at the Detroit Motor Co.

Within six months he had turned the whole division around, made dramatic cost savings, and it looked like it could actually make a profit.

Then it was discovered in a routine check on references that there was no Detroit Motor Co., and that his previous job had been as a shelf-stacker in Tesco supermarket.

He was sacked and faced criminal charges. I think he actually went to prison.

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Originally posted by ranma500:

Sounds like a little resentment there that you spent so much money and time.


Sure I resented wasting so much time on my first degree that I went back and got a second degree.

Most teachers in Bangkok who have fake degrees stand out like a sore thumb, and can be recognised by their fellow teachers. Although some of them are good teachers, most of them are unprofessional and have a poor work ethic. Although much of my university career has been forgotten along time ago, the work ethic, professionalism and dedication still remains.

Most graduates dont need to remember what they learnt at school, that is why there are text books and the internet to look up the formulas and information that we need. But we all have established that we can complete a job to the best of our ability

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Hi ranma500,

your theses are interesting.

University degrees are of no importance as some people without degrees can perform same work as those having degrees.

This is true, but without a degree it’s difficult to convince others of your ability.

Some people with faked degrees can practise successfully – until exposed.

This is also true, but what happens after exposure – disgrace and maybe prison.

If you’re buying a faked degree in the street you can use it – but must always be waiting for the moment of revelation.

You can buy a degree from a correspondence university - this degree is real, it’s not accepted anywhere, but you can use it on your business card.

I have 2 real degrees from university. It would look to nice to have a Dr on my business card so maybe I buy a doctorate for USD 600. laugh.gif" border="0http://www.maveuniversity.com



[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: elef ]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got 2 leads for you if you want a REAL degree:

try www.purpletrain.com or www.open.ac.uk

Both do course via internet so you could do what you're doing now and study p/t. OU has entry restrictions eg you should be British/UK based for most (not all) courses (but they wouldn't know if you plan it right). Purpletrain have the cheapest BA I could find. I'm not 100% it's accredited properly (it's via the Philippines) but the rest of the site seems kosher (courses via genuine UK Unis). Worth checking.

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I am not sure these "life experience degrees" really hold any water at all. Any degree, when listed on a resume is usually verified prior to employment. I don't know about the on-line degrees, I have heard they are quite popular with technically oriented fields. Good luck! Just think, if you went to a real college, you could have some of the best stories in your fraternaty house!! You would no doubt be "Big Brother" in charge of Sanuk! smile.gif" border="0

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Thanks, monochrome man, for the leads. Yes I absolutely want a real degree, there's nothing I'd like more (except, of course, some excellent pussy, but that's another story laugh.gif" border="0 )

Yeah, as I said, thanks! I will follow up your links.

BTW, the original outfit I mentioned, Trinity, IS recognised by the US State Dept, but isn't accredited by the US Dept of Education- and that's a big point. It leaves me thinking that their degree provides a way for people who want to get into the US to work to do so, but that's not what I want.

Cheers smile.gif" border="0

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I researched Trinity/Life Experience "degrees" last year. Do a search in Google and you'll find an expose of them by an American guy who also covers dodgy US colleges. I don't know about Trinity being recognised by the US State Dept but I do know that they claim, in the UK, to be recognised by the Dept of Education. False. Colleges in the UK have to be accredited by Uk Ed.Dept to issue degrees. Govt. can withdraw accred. at any time as they did recently with Thames Valley Uni who were gonna offer a Bachelors in Curry Studies (really! Bkk Phil would have enrolled no doubt!!). They'd already offered Rock Studies and were talking about Kite Making.

The outfits offering Trinity here hide behind mail box addresses.

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