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But remember child, Jesus loves you...


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Thanks for that link, KS. I hate these fuckers. I despise the hyporcrites of all the organized religions of the world. Preying on the weak-minded poor silly people who need something to believe in to help them get through their miserable lives; they suck them dry and keep the believers in the dark ages, and use their massive fortunes to retard the growth of the world in the directions it should be taking. Imagine the taxes we could collect from these holy vampires! We could easily balance the budget just by taxing their collective hoarded alms. Why they are not taxed is beyond me. It makes no sense.

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Vatican: The washing machine liberated women


By Miranda Bryant


Sunday, 8 March 2009



â??In the 20th century, what contributed most to the emancipation of Western women?â? questioned the article. â??The debate is still open. Some say it was the pill, others the liberalisation of abortion, or being able to work outside the home. Others go even further: the washing machine.â?Â


The article is entitled, â??The washing machine and the emancipation of women: put in the powder, close the lid and relaxâ?Â, taking its name from the Washy Talky, the Electrolux bilingual-talking washing-machine launched in India seven years ago, which would|remind the absent-minded housewife how to use the appliance.


The Catholic Church was never likely to laud the pill for its transformative power on womenâ??s lives. Since Pope Benedict became the leader of the worldâ??s 1.1 billion Catholics, he has published a religious document condemning contraception for â??negating the intimate truth of conjugal love, with which the divine gift [of life] is communicatedâ? and has urged pharmacists to refuse to dispense the morning-after pill. The Osservatore Romano held the pill responsible for polluting the environment and contributing to male infertility.



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The Osservatore Romano held the pill responsible for polluting the environment


Disregarding the religious bullshit this might not be totally off the mark. Marine biologists have found alarmingly high amounts of female hormones (östrogen in Swedish) in fish caught in the Baltic coastal regions around Stockholm. Their conclusion is that this can only come from womens pee after they have taken the pill. The water treatment plants apparently can't deal with this. The same problem should most likely occur in any coastal area near a large city where women are an the pill.

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St Peter is claimed as the first pope. Yet he was married and had daughters. The celebacy requirement came about early in church history with the idea that priests should have no earthly ties. But several branches of the Catholic Church do allow priests to marry - with the condition that they can never rise in the hierarchy.


<< Eastern and Western Christian churches have different traditions concerning clerical celibacy. These differences and the resulting controversies have played a role in the relationship between the two groups in some Western countries. >>





p.s. Actually, Thais respect Catholic priests more than Protestant ministers, since RC priests here are celebate the same as Buddhist monks.


There was never meant be any Pope originally. When the Roman empire split into western and eastern halves the bishop of Rome didn't want to lose his power to the bishop of the eastern capital so he proclaimed that the Roman bishop is the head of the church.


The whole celibacy thing was never part of the new testament as well. In fact the bible says 'he whom findeth a wife is a good thing' or something to that effect.


The church bastardized the scripture to retain power. That's why it was at one time punishable by death for anyone other than church officials to read the bible. Their excuse was only they could interpret properly less we all led astray through not understanding. Reality the people would know they weren't supposed to pay for certain things and a priest didn't have to hear your confession.


Sad thing is millions of catholics still don't read it and let it be dictated to them.

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