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Air Con Cold & Problem it Caused


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First let me say thanks to all responses to previous post on this subject. It was finally Redwood 13 who hit the nail on the head, directing me to: "Rhinitis, commonly known as a runny nose, is the medical term describing irritation and inflammation of some internal areas of the nose. The primary symptom of rhinitis is nasal dripping. It is caused by chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose due to viruses, bacteria or irritants. The inflammation results in the generating of excessive amounts of mucus, commonly producing the aforementioned runny nose, as well as nasal congestion and post-nasal drip."


Causes not fully known. Intensity of symptoms vary. More research needed. Etc, etc.


At the moment I'm sitting in my room at Yanhee Hospital having undergone a couple of facial procedures. They have wifi available for 40 baht/hr or 24 hr for 300 baht, which is what I got considering I'm in for 3 days.


The staff and service here seem excellent and I highly recommend the place. It is quite full of nose jobs, boob jobs, face jobs, sex change and they even have something called Voice Changing to make your rough voice sweet. I wish more of the lady boys who harass me would get that!


In previous post I said that being congested and going under general anesthesia was worry for me. The day after I wrote that the congestion subsided and I was almost normal. So I proceeded to surgery a couple of days later as planned. On the day, I was coughing up just a little phlegm.


As is standard procedure the anesthesiologist came to talk with me before surgery to brief me on what to expect. She was conscientious, thorough and answered all questions. I told her my little history with runny nose/phlegm and that it was 90 percent gone and she took careful note of that. Soon afterwards I was lying on a cold cart watching the hall lights pass overhead. Then through the big doors and into the OR.


Soon enough they put the anesthesia tube over my nose and mouth, not tight enough to seal at first. I had thought that when they put that on, it was lights out immediately. But after a couple of minutes I was still fully awake although they had been telling me to go to sleep. I wasn't resisting believe me. But I wanted to say, "Hey, Doc, don't start yet, I'm not out!" But then, with no more awareness than Hatton had of Pacquiao's left hook, it was sayonara baby. I never saw it coming.


The problem: I can honestly say that coming out of anesthesia was about the most unpleasant experience of my life. I was dying to pee and I was drowning in phlegm. I started coughing and spitting out what I could with no regard for where it was going - mostly on myself. But wow, it felt bad. I was snot boarding myself!


I believe what happened was that the surgery took quite a long time - around four hours - during which time I was generating phlegm a little bit at a time. When I woke up, it was all in there. So hack, flail and spit. No one seemed excited but me.


Almost as bad was the need to pee which was urgent. They gave me one of those things you are supposed to pee into and absolutely nothing. Get me to a toilet! They did and nothing there either. That's a known side effect of general anesthesia - can't urinate. Thing is I didn't even know why I would need to. I had been fasting and had only drank half a bottle of water in the last 10 hours. But my bladder was screaming. This went on for hours - I'd stand over the toilet in my room and get out a tablespoon full in two minutes. It took a long time to get back to normal.


Next time, if there is one, must request catheter. Yeah, that hurts too, but anything is better than what I went through.


I have only praise for their work here at Yanhee. There is a big staff cute nurses and nurse's aides. They are sweet and attentive. Thai and Filipino. It's three days after surgery and I'll be checking out today with my big, fat, swollen head. All normal.


And let me say again: I donâ??t fault Yanhee for anything. I highly recommend them.


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