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Condo Buyers complain - no condo !


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I find it hard to believe if the bank got away with their crazy demand (due to their own mistake/failure of contract)?

How does a bank enforce charging for something the owners already paid assuming they have receipts/contracts/chanote?


So what was the outcome (of your boss & others)? Bank arranged a condo demolition overnight? LOL. TIT

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I find it hard to believe if the bank got away with their crazy demand (due to their own mistake/failure of contract)?

How does a bank enforce charging for something the owners already paid assuming they have receipts/contracts/chanot e?"



or on the more sinister side, maybe someone at the bank kept the money and the agent "dissapeared"

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I think you missed the point, the bank seized the property because it probably had not been paid.


The assumption would be that the developer obtain funds from the buyers, showed the bank pre-sale receipts and on that basis the bank provided funds (cash on the provision of the return of the capital plus interest).


It can work the same as a pyramid scheme, the builder may dribble funds back to the bank, get further money from unsuspecting buyers and then do a runner. It is not till some months, or years (depending on how long someone may wish to dribble funds back to the bank) until anyone knows that something is wrong, or went wrong.


In Queensland the developers/builder never get to touch the money until the building is complete, signed off & a lawyer (if they have a brain) checks off all title & building particulars (for a very moderate fee - the fee, if it was, for say to insure something you owned would be %0.0015 (based on the median price of a condo in Brisbane)).


I, like an earlier poster would be very careful to buy off-the-plan, even with an experience and well credentialed builder/developer.

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As with any investment, buying off plan has its risks and rewards. Making the blanket statement never buy off plan in Thailand is a very safe strategy, but you are foregoing the opportunity to save considerable amounts in some cases, but that reward does have risk that comes with it.


As with so many things discussed here, people just don’t seem to be willing to take personal responsibility for their actions. If you buy off plan from a developer you have not done due diligence on and it later goes belly up, who is at fault you lost your money?



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