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Are black on white crimes covered up in America due to a PC/Liberal media?


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Truly heinous and I really hope the state has a death penalty.

I will concur to a large extent with the double standard issue. Like a lot of things its gray and things should be looked at case by case.

The fringe is what muddies things. The Al Sharpton's of the world will try and deflect things to make it less heinous and the white supremists will use it to recriut and castigate an entire race.

Was it racially motivated? I don't know. I wouldn't put up much argument from someone who thought it was, just as I wouldn't if the races were reversed. It it takes a racially motivated addition to get the death penalty, then by all means I'm not opposed.

There were a string of muggings of gay men in West Hollywood and it was thought it was due in part to anti gay attackers. The attackers were found to be blacks from south central. When asked why they targeted that particularly area, they didn't care about the sexual orientation but said it was just a place where it was easy to rob. The guys there usually had a lot of money on them as opposed to other areas, there were bars where they left drunk, etc. They targeted west hollywood simply because they were easy to rob.

Is this like that? Who knows.

I had a former coworker, very liberal (not saying it as if its a bad thing...lol), white guy, who was part of a forum that would talk about the media. They had subjects on Katrina where articles with blacks carrying things in the water were looters and captions of whites carrying things were simply victims with their lifelong belongings. Also, he would talk about how 'cute little white girls' who were missing garnered national attention but 'cute little black or latino girls' that were missing nary got a mention. He talked about media bias a lot.

I can see the media staying clear of this though. Its explosive. They'd have to handle it with kit gloves. Its a shame that they would have to in the first place. Report the facts...where ever that takes you.

What I would like to see is the black media having the balls to call it as it is.

Due to our history in the U.S. they are loathe to give 'ammo' to the larger society. However, facts are facts and fair is fair.

Our (America's collective history on race) history continues to be a mill stone around our necks. We've made great, fantastic strides we should all be proud of but there is still that element out there that lingers that makes the media and others reluctant to report or call things as they are. A shame.

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One thing I liked very much about the military was that race or ancestry didn't much matter. We were all GIs in the same boat and we took care of each other. It's a shame that civilian life isn't like that.




Staying alive was more important than any racism that was brought to the table. Plus everyone had a 'common enemy' and were given the same type of bunk, shared the same latrines, etc.

The choice of living apart was taken from you.


Athletic teams share the same component and have less racial animus. Same uniform, same 'common' enemy, etc.


I spent my last year in HS bussed to a white suburban HS and there were some racial issues with us being there but the sports teams, especially the football team had the least problems. Same for the track team I was on.



Work place to a lesser extent but it happens there as we are the same worker bees working for 'the man' and in the same boat.


Its also like that as travellers. Stuck in a Hong Kong or Taipei terminal for 3 hours, fellow Americans (as well as non American westerners sometimes) and I would usually bond, chat, etc. Especially men. You looked for commonality even if you were from a different region. "I'm from Georgia", "I'm Steve, glad to meet you, I'm from Philly originally" "Yeah, I got an uncle there. Lived in south Philly, visited as a kid and he took us to Pat's Steak,"Yeah? That place is very popular". Sports is another commonality amongst American men. My adoption of soccer has also been a bonding thing with Brits I've met on travels.

There were guys I've hung out with in terminals or in LOS who frankly we wouldn't have been friends back in our country. Sad to say that but its true. It took LOS to remove what would have kept us from being friends back home.



However, in our every day lives we all have different standards of living and the choice of not living amongst each other. The above examples happen when we are all thrown in the 'same boat'.

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