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Buying Lady Drinks: Alcohol or Cola


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When you are buying lady drinks, do you find the quality of the evening is enhanced or not based on whether the lady is drinking alcohol or cola? Assumption is she is not getting drunk, which would always make for a lousy evening.


Opinions, gents?

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I insist they get drunk, otherwise they wouldn't sleep with me.


Seriously, cola drinks are a non-starter in my book, unless the girl is extremely cute and REALLY loves me. :liar:


Maybe it's best to find a girl whose habits match your own. :dunno:


You seem to be asking, essentially, is a sober bar girl a better fuck than a drunk bar girl and the obvious answer is that it depends upon the girl, and you.

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I wouldn't let it bother you in any way. Remember when you were young and it would be a night of beer and sex, then you got older and it became more a case of beer OR sex. At least now you don't have that concern. Further more you can give free reign to your chemical stimulant of choice and have double the fun, no boozy impact to dull the effect.

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When you are buying lady drinks...

Opinions, gents?

:rotfl: buying lady drinks :rotfl:

it never ceases to amaze me why anyone would want to spend $4 up (or any amount for that matter) to have a semi-literate splayed-toed single mum from nakhon buttfuck bore you senseless with her (or its) "conversation"...

if you feel like porking the slapper, just do so...please don't try and pretend that you're building up a "rapport" or, even worse, a "kind of friendship"...man up!

:rotfl: buying lady drinks :rotfl:

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I have mixed opinions on this. On the one hand, I myself could not venture out into the P4P scene without some chemical stimulation...and I guess I'm suspicious of the girls who can do that work without at least getting a little buzz on first. C'mon, what if it were you...wouldn't you have to get a little drunk first before you fucked the likes of some of us bozos? haha


So I do like the girls to get a little tipsy. However, this is very dangerous when dealing with Thais, especially Thai females. True, there are some hardened mamas out there who could drink me and plenty of other people under the table (and for reference, a typical night out for me in BKK involves drinking 10-15 Chang beers over a 9-10 hour period, with a few tequila shots thrown in here and there, and I can still walk, get myself home safely, etc. at the end of the night). But I would venture to say that MOST Thai girls can't drink to save their lives, and there seems to often be a very, very fine line between the point where they're very "up" and buzzed and feeling no pain to the point where you find yourself having to pour them into a cab, clean their vomit off your floor, watch them snore until 4 pm in your bed the next day, etc. If you're lucky, this line will be crossed between when you pay their bar and reach the cab; more than once, after observing a girl I've just barfined suddenly barely be able to stumble to the taxi, I've just dumped her in the taxi with 500 baht and said goodnight.


So while I won't "force" a girl to drink, if I do buy a lady drink and she goes goes for one of those stupid little glasses of watery coke, there's very little chance the night with her will go much further unless there's some other extraordinary type of connection going on there...

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