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Red shirts' financial backers soon to face charges


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By The Nation

Published on July 14, 2010



The Department of Special Investigation will soon formally charge people found to have provided financial support to the red shirts during the recent political unrest.




Been waiting to see the follow the money phase.


Might be a family reunion in Montenegro, will be happening soon, or we may get the chance to see a few Shinawatra in orange jumpers and bracelets.


I hope they can seize enough money out them to pay for all the uninsured damage in Bangkok, and around Thailand, caused by the REDS. Along with funds to pay for prosecution, sentencing, jailing them, maybe even CRES Expenses, so Puea Thai does not have to worry about the expenses.


Once a few of these terrorist supporters, are facing serious jail time, here is what you can expect.


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I'd say that Thakky is bright enough to hide it enough to have some local fall guys take the hit. We'll see. But don't expect anything.


Meaning that the trail will be clear, but not prosecutable.


We can only wait to see, my guess, is once the serious jail time is infront of them, they will give up, Takky. Like a house of cards, once it starts, it will all come tumbling down.

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Funding suspects to be categorised

Published: 15/07/2010 at 05:38 PM

Online news: Breakingnews


The Department of Special Investigation and investigators of other agencies have completed their examination of 21 of 83 individuals and companies suspected to have provided financial support for the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship's protests, DSI chief Tharit Pengdit said.


The 83 have had their financial transactions suspended by the Centre for the Resolution of Emergency Situations (CRES).


Mr Tharit said the 21 would be divided into three categories - white, grey and black. This was expected to be completed by July 20 and the results would be reported to the CRES.


Those who were able to clearly explain they had nothing to do with the protests would be categorised as white, those unable to clearly explain their roles as grey, and those clearly found to have funded the UDD activities as black.


Those in the white category would get the financial suspension lifted. Those in the grey category would be re-examined individually for further decisions.


Those categorised as black would be subject to be charged with supporting terrorism, he said.


Mr Tharit said those who have not yet reported for examination should do so within the 60-day deadline, or until July 12, including fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, or face legal action for not reporting to the CRES as summonsed.



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"or until July 12"


Uhhh... that was 3 days before the date of this article?




Yup, I seen that, figure its a typo, till Aug 12, as they started about a month ago.


I thinking, if a few start to talk, and the rest will cave, to stay out of jail.

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