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Anthrogenic Climate Change - it was a fad...


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So you've got a WIKIPEDIA bio and a shitty website!? The only website not funded by big oil and you found it. Nice! That will put an end to all discussion. Case closed then.


The problem I see, is that a lot of people cling to the terminology "global WARMING" and in dismissing the warming aspects they assume to also have dismissed man-made climate change. Look old brother: we've moved on and the debate is on climate change, not warming (alone). There's no way to refute we are changing the world for the worse and yet those with high stakes in energy keeps denying it and the blind herds follows. It suits developed and developing economies alike, but it won't suit future generatons...

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Have you ever written a computer model? I have.


The Wharton School has an econometric model with thousands of variables.


Try to imagine the number of variables that could affect the Climate.


The main problems with UN Panel on Climate Change are: 1) They have not utilized the correct Scientific Method - more and more scientists from many fields have become critical of the methods used. 2) Statistics are the basis of their model. But, qualified statisticians did not prepare the statistics - many Ph'd Statisticians have criticized the statistical analysis used as the basis of the Climate Change model. 3) Even if the model's projections and related articles were peer reviewed (keeping in mind that many, many Ph'D Scientists are highly critical of the methods used), all of the dramatic conclusions as to the results of Climate Change were chosen for affect and were not peer reviewed. Here is one:

UN climate change panel based claims on student dissertation and magazine article

The United Nations' expert panel on climate change based claims about ice disappearing from the world's mountain tops on a student's dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine.


Those who would have tried to control every country in the world through Cap and Trade have lost. There is not much to say after this:

Uncommon Sense

The Death Of The Global Warming Movement

Shikha Dalmia, 07.28.10, 04:00 PM EDT

The Reid energy bill abandons cap-and-trade, dooming the cause.



This is not to say that each individual can not do everything in their means to enhance/protect the environment.



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And the last interglacial period was 5 degrees Celsius warmer than today. Given that interglacials last an average of 10,000 years and we are about 11,000 (approx) into this one, my money is on climate change, sure, just not Anthrogenic climate change.


These are facts.


Doxx, " funded by big oil-discussion-Case closed then-cling to the terminology-assume-dismissed-we've moved on and the debate-no way to refute-keeps denying-blind herds follows..."


What I would say is that when a scientist presents facts, then I listen, when all sorts of folk jump in with emotional language, I can't see any facts.


The same people in the seventies were predicting an ice age.


In 10 years you'll see this view again.

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