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China is Unloading its Treasury Bonds


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What's the choice? Let the economy stagnate (and die) or be the consumer of last resort? None, is there?


Look, corporate profits are up 44.7% since the outset of the US recovery, while wages and salary accruals are up just 0.9%. Biz is not ramping up, nor hiring, just sitting (and worse, buying their own stocks so the CEOs can get their bonuses). How do you make them fire up? I dunno, but if more money is out there, maybe it will help. Doing nothing will get us the same.


Myself, I consider them (big biz) as traitors to the country, but that's another thread.

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I don't know. The bank bail-out was supposed to help but now the banks aren't lending. Defense is always good for employing people but even that could get cut back. And how many obsolete F-16s do the Saudis really need? Printing money and dropping it from helicopters seems to be the only answer.

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When it comes to debt, GWB claimed in one of his speeches that the USA was not going to pay back the money it stole from Social Security and Medicare.


A country that steals from its old citizens is not much of a country in my opinion.



Are the Dems any different? Both parties have shown themselves to have a robber baron mentality.



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I do recall reading that the Federal Government did grow almost 30% under Reagan and Bush 1. The argument from Andre Moreau (libertarian candidate)was if we scaled back government to pre Regan and Bush numbers, then we could eliminate the need for a federal income tax.



The size of the US Federal gov has tripled in the past 10 years!

I heard something on the radio like for every gov jobs, it takes away 5 jobs in the private sector :dunno:


How does the government hiring 1 secretary take away 5 secretarial jobs from the public? If what you heard was "...it takes 5 federal employees to do the job of 1 private sector employee, that sounds more believable...

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I do recall reading that the Federal Government did grow almost 30% under Reagan and Bush 1. The argument from Andre Moreau (libertarian candidate)was if we scaled back government to pre Regan and Bush numbers, then we could eliminate the need for a federal income tax.



The size of the US Federal gov has tripled in the past 10 years!

I heard something on the radio like for every gov jobs, it takes away 5 jobs in the private sector :dunno:


How does the government hiring 1 secretary take away 5 secretarial jobs from the public? If what you heard was "...it takes 5 federal employees to do the job of 1 private sector employee, that sounds more believable...

I just caught the blurb on the radio, so was hoping someone here also heard it or coul expand upon it :dunno:


NOTE: I am not a fan of the GOP or the Dems. I am more of a Constitutionalist or Federalist...something like this.


I want (if I had a list of wants to submit to someone):

1. smaller gov

2. gov funded elections (no more buying an election)

3. eliminate/reorganize/audit the Federal Reserve

4. REALLY make politicians accountable


These four things ought to keep the next 387 generations busy :dunno:

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