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LOL...not really funny, but these GOP leaders who talk tough are cock sucking, beta, male, cuckolding sycophants. There are ZERO reasons to vote for these guys. None. It takes a lot to make the Democrats look better. And these Democrats leave a lot to be desired. 


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On the one hand, shame that the 'mericans can't keep the foot on Trump's throat a little longer, read it here https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/late-night-talks-and-a-moment-of-chaos-inside-the-democrats-eleventh-hour-decision-to-forgo-impeachment-witnesses/ar-BB1dEvao?fbclid=IwAR2gllycfhYSmYApLYGZaySKoHSRW5G-nUJsW9_oWY-s3yx2Fe4KtxQLzTU&ocid=BingNews

On the other hand,  as execrable as Trump is, we can thank him (those of us who prefer Democrats over Republicans), for royally f*cking the GOP upwards,downwards, sideways and six ways to Sunday.

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