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Drink and off quotas


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A GG Bar in NEP which shall remain nameless pays the


dancer I know as follows (its BF is 600 Bht):


8,000 Bht a month for which she has to generate 8 BF's.


For each BF above the quota she gets 100 Bht.


For each BF below the quota she is penalised 800 Bht


She gets a flat 40 Bht for each LD.


No quota on LD's.

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According to this formula, then, with 600B BF (600!?) and 800B penalty for each BF below quota, couldn't the BG pay her own BF and do herself (does this explain the sex shows?) and come out ahead?




Or, if this isn't allowed, I see a niche for an enterprising farang to set up shop towards the end of each month, finance the BF on paper but collect 700B from the BG, the additional 100B being a finance charge of sorts in what is still a win-win situation.




Of course this makes the faulty assumption that a BG that is not BFed regularly, or one that is for that matter, would have 700B in her pocket at the end of the month.




I still don't think we have a grasp on this, I'm sure it varies from establishment-to-establishment, but you can be sure that the ingenuity of the system is devised so that if the BG is not being screwed literally she sure is figuratively.

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Bar Beers are in the business of selling bar fines so quotas are a given in some bars. Some bars also have designated girls to fill the drinks and clean the tables while the other girls fish for farang. A Dek Serve is the Thai bar expression for a service girl or waittress. As to why a bar would have bar fines for service girls in a go-go....A bar fine is a bar fine is a bar fine. The service girls actually have a better shot at working the customers as they don't have to keep jumping up and dancing right when it gets interesting. Consequently, bars over staff in the service staff to allow for free time to drink with customers and offs.




Many of the girls have discovered that a service girl has a lot better chance of finding a decent cutomer/husband as a service girl because the farnag may like to bar fine the sexy girl on stage for sex, but when it comes to a relationship they would prefer the innocent service girl who "not go with man too much". Yeah right. Well, as PT said "There's one born every minute!

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Well, as to penalties it is a little more comlicated in most bars. If the girl fails to make her off goals then she is usually cut the equivalent bar fine for each off she falls short.




But, there are a lot more cuts.




1) Most bars have a penalty for showing late. Usually a


Baht per minute.




2) If she leaves early she gets an LE penalty (Left early)


usually the same as the bar fine. this prevents the girls


from heading out at 1 AM when a regular customer, who


she met at the bar calls and says, "Honey, I'm horny".




3) Then there are the no-show penalties, a real profit-center


for the girls. The girls usually get a day or two holiday


month. After that if they don't come to work then they get


dinged for a no show. Here's where it gets intersting.


Usually the no-show penalty is 130 - 300 Baht on Sunday


throught Thursday and the equivalent to a bar fine on


Friday and Saturday.




So, if you're laying in bed on Tuesday morning with a girl


you BF'd the night begfore and say "Baby, that was great!


How about I pay your bar fine tonight." Anybody out there


think the bar fine really goes to the bar or does she just


take the 200 Baht cut? that is why most bars will cut the


equivalent of a bar fine for a no-show on a week-night


after being bar fined the previous night.




Of course there is no way to catch the girl who gets a call


at 3 PM from a customer who says he'll pay her bar fine


if she comes over to his room and never goes to work.




That's why most bars look at the number of no-shows and


LEs a girl has and increase her penalties if she looks like


a habitual rule breaker.




4) And finally, there are the IOUs that the girls take against


their salaries during the month.




Now you know why the mamasans and managers spend so much time pouring over handfulls of timecards.













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Very interesting post, TC, especially #3 about the barfines.




I think all of us have noticed many of the stunners pretty much come and go as they please at many of the gogo bars. I know several that report to work around 9pm or so, dance a set, and if they aren't barfined (and most quickly are), just pay their own barfine and hang around the bar in street clothes until they get picked up - and, presumably another barfine is paid.




I was under the impression because they brought so much money to the bar in barfines and drinks, they were exempt from the rules for cutting. Do the rules you stated apply to all the girls, or are some allowed to get away with stuff?

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Tough call for the managers or mamasans. You hate to lose a Superstar, but on the other hand if you bend the rules once for one lady it starts to get out of hand.




This is one of the things that seperates the successful managements from the not-so-successful. Personally, I've found it best to enforce the rules 100% all of the time..Less friction with the staff.....But then I've lost a couple good ones doing that.

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