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Have You Seen This Girl? Amazing!


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Bullies stopped tormenting the world's hairiest girl after she was awarded a Guinness World Record one year ago.


Supatra Sasuphan, 11, suffers from Ambras Syndrome — also known as hypertrichosis or “Werewolf Syndrome†— an extremely rare disease.



Ambras Syndrome, which is caused by a faulty chromosome, is a genetic condition which causes thick hair to grow all over the body and face.


Supatra, or “Nat†as she prefers to be called, was taunted by peers at her Bangkok school and called names such as "wolf girl" and "monkey face."


But since taking out the Guinness record title in 2010, she is no longer treated as an outcast and has gradually become popular and outgoing.


"There were a few people who used to tease me and call me 'monkey face' but they don't do it anymore," she said.


"I am very happy to be in the Guinness World Records ... being hairy makes me special."


Marco Frigatti, from the Guinness World Record Committee, described Supatra as a "remarkable little girl".


"She's proud of who she is and wants to be treated just like everyone else," Mr Frigatti said.


"She's not the one with the problem; it's only those who treat her differently who've got the problem."


There is no cure for the disease.


Several rounds of laser treatments have been unsuccessful for Supatra, who hopes one day to be a teacher or doctor and help find a cure for the condition.


"It [the hair] does sometimes make it difficult to see when it gets long. I hope I will be cured one day," Supatra said.


The first documented case of the disease was a man named Petrus Gonzales, whose family portraits were discovered at Ambras Castle in Austria, from which the name “Ambras Syndrome†was coined.








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