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Do You Kindle?


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I've just bought a Kindle, and its the best I have done for years. :bang:

Right now I have almost a 100 unread books loaded on it (mostly downloaded from torrent sites).


I haven't seen much talk about Kindle on this forum.

There are really a lot of books about sanuk and Thailand available in Kindle's Mobi format.


Right now I am reading How to get the most bang for your buck in Thailand


(Btw if you pm me your email, I will be happy to send the mobi file to you)

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Read a bit of the author's description of the book, and God does that sounds lame :)


No offence meant to you, Moo_Uan, but that book sounds like yet another one written by yet another "I've lived in Thailand for x years and know everything" guy.


Oh, and as for the Kindle, would love one :)

Waiting for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 to arrive in Thailand; my wife wants one and I think I should be able to use that for the same purpose as a Kindle.



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Hey moo, yeah loving the kindle. Wrote a bit of a review on the thing a while back here. Loving the whole convenience and ease of it, especially as my eyes seem to be going south and reading printed books is getting harder. Not for the print size so much, but the kindle seems to me to be easier on the eyes.

Bought it through the affiliation on this site FWIW.


Although the book has all (5) five star reviews, and I'm sure it has its good points - I'd rather make the mistakes. Part of the fun of it all IMO.


Julian2 - I'm on that forum as well, same nik - a plethora of information, especially good for the newbie like me.

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I've just bought a Kindle, and its the best I have done for years. :bang:

Right now I have almost a 100 unread books loaded on it (mostly downloaded from torrent sites).


I haven't seen much talk about Kindle on this forum.

There are really a lot of books about sanuk and Thailand available in Kindle's Mobi format.


Right now I am reading How to get the most bang for your buck in Thailand


(Btw if you pm me your email, I will be happy to send the mobi file to you)

My Kindle is great!

It is an older one, passed down to me by my sister but it was loaded with lots of books!

Being an older Kindle, I cannot sync it outside the USA as it only uses Whispernet but

has a USB port to d'load new books.

Turn off the wireless connection and the battery lasts for days!!


Please email me the book.

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I have a heap of books in various formats, my attempts to categorise them haven't had a lot of success though.

Yes, I've tried Calibre... what a vale of tears that was.

I'm quite happy to pass them on, they email very easily.

Mostly popular fiction...

Ask and ye shall receive. (They read well on PCs as well).


EDit: Oh, stacks of SF/Fantasy courtesy of a ThaiVisa moderator.

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