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Nana Vs. Soi Cowboy. The Old Question


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And although I don't go out much these days, I will weigh in with my opinion. I used to think that Soi Cowboy had exceeded Nana in terms of entertainment value, but after two nights out in a row (a rare event these days), I have to say Nana is far better. Why?


In many of the bars of Soi Cowboy the best looking girls simply aren't available. They're coyotes dancers, perhaps available after closing hours, but I am not about to wait until 2- 3 am on an off chance that I might be able to reach them. Plenty of chunky older ones available, but who wants them? I went into a bar, whose name sounds like something you've heard before heard before, and the coyote dancers, mama-san and the handful of presumably available (chubby) girls that were available pestered me to death with drinks demands. And I used the word "demands" intentionally. I bought one drink for myself and one drink for a coyote dancer and, when I left, was hit with a bill just north of 1,000 Baht. I voiced some concern, and they quickly knocked it down to - the still expensive - actual price. A real try-on. But they presumably only do it because they do get away with it sometimes. There are a few bars with attractive girls, but they are jammed pack and every attractive girl I met demanded 2,500-3,000 Baht, upfront, for a short time. But what was far worse, was the attitude of absolute entitlement. Maybe it was a bad night, but that didn't seem like the Soi Cowboy I knew and loved.


Nana had plenty of hawkers pestering me to get into bars, but the pressure to buy multiple lady drinks was nothing like Soi Cowboy. It didn't have as many hot looking coyote dancers, but plenty of 7s and 8s were available and willing for far less than the available 3s and 4s of Soi Cowboy. More bars too. And other more upstream entertainment venues available on Soi 11 if you wanted to do more than simply hop in the sack.


I have not been on this part of the site for awhile, so perhaps this has already been discussed to death, but thought I would throw my two satang in after my long hiatus.

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In many of the bars of Soi Cowboy the best looking girls simply aren't available. They're coyotes dancers, perhaps available after closing hours, but I am not about to wait until 2- 3 am on an off chance that I might be able to reach them. Plenty of chunky older ones available, but who wants them? I went into a bar, whose name sounds like something you've heard before heard before, and the coyote dancers, mama-san and the handful of presumably available (chubby) girls that were available pestered me to death with drinks demands.


There are a few bars with attractive girls, but they are jammed pack and every attractive girl I met demanded 2,500-3,000 Baht, upfront, for a short time. But what was far worse, was the attitude of absolute entitlement. Maybe it was a bad night, but that didn't seem like the Soi Cowboy I knew and loved.



Thanks for the report. This sounds bad.

Did it happen to you in several bars that certain girls were not available and if yes in which one?




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so have you been mainly in the bars of the "Arab" in Soi Cowboy?


The bar where they did a try on with a padded bill was, I think, an "arab bar". Prefer not to use names. Recall my description recall my description of the bar. The popular bars at the end of the Soi (not arab bars as far as I know) was where I was hit the outrageous sums for a ST.

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Thanks for the report. This sounds bad.

Did it happen to you in several bars that certain girls were not available and if yes in which one?


The bars with the coyote girls were all, I think, arab bars. Plenty of neon and flash, but mai-sanuk. Many were deserted.


How does he make money? The vast majority of customers I saw were packed in a few bars, and I am pretty sure the arab doesn't own any of them. Does he just rely on the occasional scam working?

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The bars with the coyote girls were all, I think, arab bars. Plenty of neon and flash, but mai-sanuk. Many were deserted.


How does he make money? The vast majority of customers I saw were packed in a few bars, and I am pretty sure the arab doesn't own any of them. Does he just rely on the occasional scam working?


The washing of monies has been mentioned.shhh.gif

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Try some of the smaller bars. I was out with a friend a couple of weeks ago and he got a ST from quite a nice looking dancer - 1500 baht, done upstairs in the bar. It was one of the old Cowboy bars, been there for decades. He was quite happy with her, said she was well worth the money.





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I don't go out as much as I used to, but going purely in looks, Nana has the better lookers and there isn't a difference in price. Sad really....Cowboy is a victim of its own success. I used to love it, now I avoid it.


I've noticed the same. Cowboy used to be great but somehow Nana has pulled themselves out of the mire, the Rainbows seem to have upped the game and Angelwich has good shows. The girls in Cowboy have got a lot more mercenary and the prices for ST are outrageous. Personally I'll stick with Pattaya, more choice, more bars and less of an attitude.


Anyhow we all know the best looking girls are in Casanova ;)

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