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First Trip To Los; Days 1-3

Mr. Mojo

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Great but unexpected start to first LOS trip in BKK. Short version to follow:


Background. I’m a 49 yr old recently divorced guy expanding business into Asia with part-time office in BKK.


Set up meetings online with “good†or somewhat “normal†Thai girls girls in BKK, Phuket and Pattaya. Almost all TGs have university degrees and professional jobs. Backup plan was BGs depending on how things went. Days 1-6 in BKK, 3 days of it or business. I go to Phuket for days 6-10 then return to BKK for days10-12 (cancelled Pattaya). This is my first report for Days 1-3.


20 hr trip from America to BKK, arrived 1:30AM Friday 7/20 got to hotel 2:30 and no sleep. Met first girl unplanned for lunch and afternoon. Went shopping together, got cell phone, told her bye at 5:00pm because I had dinner planned with another. Girl 2 (35 yr old, single no kids) met at 7:30pm, she did not want dinner only coffee. I took this as a bad sign. She was a little shy and did not show much emotion towards me. We went to movie and half way through she reaches over and grab my hand. Surprised me, may not seem significant but it was. She went to my hotel that night and we spent the next 1.5 days enjoying time together. Wow she was tight!


Girl 2 left for business today (day 3) at 5AM from hotel. Girl 3 (pretty 31 yr old single Mom) did want to meet me because I had already met someone and told her so. Then I get messages that she wants to meet me anyway as friends and I can bring GF. OK but GF gone. We have lunch and go to movie. 5 minutes into movie she wraps around my arm. I’m thinking, “Is this really happening?†She starts feeling me out through the movie, even play with my crouch and 3 hrs later we are going at it at hotel. She had an unexpected wild side and few inhibitions once she decided on me. Bellman same as 5AM and had big grin when she left this evening.


I did not expect this to happen on a first meeting with these girls, they seemed so conservative. Now I have a problem...I need to cut one before returning from Phuket. Decided to cancel Pattaya leg of trip (hurting more feelings). I’m actually feeling bummed about it; there is no way to manage through it...

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Excellent :up: :up: Go get em while they're hot!

Be sure to write up the rest of your stay, sounds fun so far.


Getting the (relative) freebies is nice, I wonder if in time you will come to understand why some prefer to pay BG's, truly it is to make them go away!


Next installment please.

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Hopefully, he realises they are looking for a long term relationship. I had two female colleagues at the university who did this several times until they finally landed a man, both Brits as it happened.


Thanks Gents. Yes I am very aware these girls are looking for something serious. I had first given them all the "no promises" lecture so expectations would not grow too quickly. Also, I take into account playing with their emotions very seriously, I did not come to Thailand to hurt or disrespect anyone, but in the end it was THEY who made the first move LOL.


What I am learning is this: if you don't ask and don't talk about it then they are much more likely to want it. They also fall for a "perceived" nice guy and their jealously is a big motivating factor, but I guess that could be said for all ethnicities of women.

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Thankfully, Thais have a very different view on age than westerners. In the US or UK, women think men are over the hill at 30. In LOS there is nothing wrong with being 10 or 20 years younger than your husband. My wife was once my student. You are at a very desirable age right now, not yet an old fogie but settled enough in your life that you can be responsible and a good catch. Enjoy yourself.








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