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True Move H


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I've made some progress in getting a faster speed with an internet SIM on my computer. BUT I don't think I'm "there" yet.


Using TrueMove H 3G+ Internet SIM bought at Family Mart 99 baht. Went to True shop on S Pattaya Rd near TukCom and bought 70 mb for 90 baht just to test.


There's a big language problem as no one speaks English at the True shop and when I access the website almost all of the pages come up in Thai, even when I have chosen the English option. My link


Speed tests at 133ms Ping / 1.65 Mbps download / .35 Mbps upload. TrueMove H website shows 7.2 Mbps and this is about what other members have said they are getting on AIS.


What is my problem? Is the cheap option of 70mb for 90 baht my problem? The column is headed 3G+/Edge/GPRS. To the right the chart says that option is "V1", and there are also "V2", "V3", and then "V599" which is explained in Thai as 3G+ and something in Thai and at the end it say 2GB*, the * refers to a footnote in Thai.


Web page with this chart is: My link




Thanks for any input.

Gaw Guy

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Signal strength has big effect on connection speed. Cell congestion can also reduce speed.


Yes, but it's 1/5 the speed advertised! That seems like too much to be attributed to signal strength or congestion. I'm in S Pattaya, the other person reported from N Pattaya. Could there be that much difference?


I'm still wondering if it's the plan I'm trying? Has anyone looked at the links in my original post?




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Yes, but it's 1/5 the speed advertised! That seems like too much to be attributed to signal strength or congestion. I'm in S Pattaya, the other person reported from N Pattaya. Could there be that much difference?


I'm still wondering if it's the plan I'm trying? Has anyone looked at the links in my original post?







The Cell Tower is right outside my apartment less than 20 meters away with direct line of sight so I am getting full strength signal and hence the higher speed.


As Yow a rat recommended, go "walkabouts" with your laptop and try your connection at various locations.

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The latest twist (of the blade) ouch! Shit!


Getting no satisfaction from any True webpage and I can't find out how many more mb's I have left (or however you call it). All pages in Thai even after choosing English option. True don't do English.


So..I thought I would try setting up an online login so I could monitor my usage, plan, offers, etc. They want email, password, name, and last thing is Thai ID number. They don't ask for Passport and I wouldn't give it if they did. Not having that I try to skip it and just clik okay. At that point I no longer have use of the internet, period. Try to go to any web page and I'm diverted to the True login/setup page. They have cut me off from everything. Stupid m..f..rs!


So now I have parted ways with that SIM card. Happily I followed advice of one poster who suggested going slow - I only invested 200 baht total. And for whatever reason the speed is unacceptable. Why not try AIS which was highly recommended.


I just have my old DTAC telephone SIM in right now and believe me I'll always be hanging on to this one!

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Signal strength has a huge effect on speed.


Have you tried pingtest.net to check for packet loss rate?


Thank you Mr. Baa..I like this kind of stuff. I did Ping test and it surprised me. Firstly, I'm in Pattaya and the server pingtest.net selected for the test is in Vientiane! Isn't that weird!?


I it reported zero packet loss. I'm not exactly sure what packet loss is (I would guess it's dropped data, data that has to be re-sent), but since my speedtest results are pretty bad I thought I'd have some. Results: Line Quality "C" MOS 4.09. Ping: 175ms Jitter: 25ms. Packet Loss: 0%


"C" sounds right. My connection is reported as mostly UMTS this morning. I'd give my connection a C.



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